Abducted as an 11-year-old child from her village in West Africa and forced to walk for months to the sea in a coffle--a string of slaves-- Aminata Diallo is sent to live as a slave in South Carolina. But years later, she forges her way...
African American loyalists
- Auteur:Hill, LawrenceSommaire:
- Auteur:Lauren Taylor, WandaSommaire:
Award-winning writer Wanda Lauren Taylor delves into the history and development of the Preston area, the organizations and churches that helped bolster the population, and the struggles, successes, and personal stories of several...
- Auteur:Davidson, StephenSommaire:
Among the Loyalists who were transported to the shores of New Brunswick by the British after their defeat by revolutionary Americans were several hundred African Americans. Like their counterparts who went to what is now Nova Scotia,...
- Auteur:Holmes Whitehead, RuthSommaire:
Black Loyalists is an attempt to present hard data about the lives of Nova Scotia Black Loyalists before they escaped slavery in early South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and after they settled in Nova Scotia—to bring back into our...
- Auteur:Hill, LawrenceSommaire:
Lawrence Hill a transformé une page négligée de l’histoire en un roman brillant et attachant, qui transporte le lecteur d’un village africain à une plantation du sud des États-Unis, d’un refuge sordide en Nouvelle-Écosse à la côte de la...