How should we improve the state of South Carolina? That invitingly open-ended question served as the basis for the first annual South Carolina High School Writing Contest as the call went out in fall 2013 to juniors and seniors across...
American literature
- Auteur:Conroy, PatSommaire:
- Auteur:Cawthorne, Jane, Morin, E. D.Sommaire:
The Writing Menopause literary anthology is a diverse and robust collection about menopause: a highly charged and often undervalued transformation. It includes over fifty works of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry,...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Lang, JohnSommaire:
In this first book-length analysis of Ron Rash's fiction and poetry, John Lang covers all of Rash’s books published through 2013 and offers key insights about his aims, themes, literary techniques and allusions, and major literary...
- Auteur:James, HenrySommaire:
A governess is hired to look after two orphaned children living at their absentee uncle’s grand estate and soon becomes convinced that her charges are controlled by the ghosts of the former governess and her lover. Famous for its rich...
- Auteur:Dean, MichelleSommaire:
Dorothy Parker, Rebecca West, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Pauline Kael, Joan Didion, Nora Ephron, Renata Adler, and Janet Malcolm. Their lives intertwine as they cut through the cultural and intellectual history of...
- Auteur:Green, JonathanSommaire:
The best art has the uncanny ability not only to give pleasure to those who view it but also to inspire a desire to respond. The best artists are a force for all art, and renowned Gullah artist Jonathan Green's work has inspired a wide...
- Auteur:Orca Book PublishersSommaire:
In early June, 1964, the Benevolent Home for Necessitous Girls burns to the ground and its vulnerable residents are thrust out into the world. The orphans, who know no other home, find their lives changed in an instant. Arrangements are...
- Auteur:Hannah, DanielSommaire:
The instability of modernist form has everything to do with the social, political, and economic shakeups of the nineteenth century that left masculinity a site of contestation, racial anxiety, homophobic paranoia, performative display,...
- Auteur:Ray, Deborah KoganSommaire:
Documents the life and achievements of the nineteenth-century Northern Paiute leader, examining how her aptitude for languages and diplomacy enabled her to advocate on behalf of her tribe.
- Auteur:Asimov, IsaacSommaire:
A collection of twenty classic short stories by Isaac Asimov, author of the Foundation series, featuring the definitive and only in-print version of "Nightfall" From one of history's most influential writers of science...
- Auteur:Cowley Joy.Sommaire:
A child describes his hen and the beautiful eggs she lays.
- Auteur:Monette, Pierre, Emerson, Ralpf WaldoSommaire:
Paru il y a 175 ans, en 1837, « Le scholar américain » de Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) est le texte fondateur de l’identité culturelle états-unienne. Les États-Unis en avaient alors assez de se « nourrir des restes flétris de...
- Auteur:Shutt, Timothy BakerSommaire:
Shutt delivers a thought-provoking exploration of the worlds of two of the greatest authors of the 19th century: Mark Twain and Charles Dickens. Although these literary giants lived on opposite sides of the Atlantic, fascinating...
- Auteur:Showalter, ElaineSommaire:
At the turn of the century, short stories by--and often about--"New Women" flooded the pages English and American magazines such as the Atlantic Monthly, Harpers, and the Yellow Book. This daring new fiction, often innovative in form...
- Auteur:Le Guin, Ursula K.Sommaire:
From modern literature to menopause, from utopian thought to rodeos-in this classic collection of essays, Ursula K. Le Guin roves with her customary audacity over the intersecting arenas of literature, feminism, and social...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
For the Anishinaabeg people, who span a vast geographic region from the Great Lakes to the Plains and beyond, stories are vessels of knowledge. They are bagijiganan, offerings of the possibilities within Anishinaabeg life. Existing...
- Auteur:Melville, HermanSommaire:
DescriptionBenito Cereno is a novella by Herman Melville, a fictionalized account about the revolt on a Spanish slave ship captained by Don Benito Cereno, first published in three installments in Putnam's Monthly in 1855.
- Auteur:Sommaire:
A collection of words and imagery from diverse voices grounded in the land and that explore community in relation to time. Filmmaker/writer, Darlene Naponse, curates a gathering of expression about time that has passed, time that is now...
- Auteur:Kinney, IanSommaire:
Ian Kinney fell seven stories, and he survived. In Air Salt Kinney (un)writes his hospitalization and recovery, using poetry as neuro-rehabilitation. A memoir written by an amnesiac, this collection stitches splintered narratives with...