On a cold winter's day, Rabbit leaves his burrow in search of food, but all he can find is a single red apple hanging far out of reach. Maybe his friend Mouse can help get it down for him. But Mouse can't climb that high. Nor can their...
- Auteur:Oral, FeridunSommaire:
- Auteur:Comeau, Marie-FranceSommaire:
Une pomme jaune garde en son coeur un secret étoilé. Au milieu de centaines de pommes rouges, une pomme un peu différente se laisse bercer par un rayon de lune. Une berceuse révèle enfin le secret derrière l'étoile mystérieuse...
- Auteur:Lundy, SusanSommaire:
Heritage Apples travels far beyond the grocery store of today to savor the apples of the past. These are the apple varieties—the Gravensteins, the Kings, the red-fleshed Pink Pearl—that link us to history, but through food movements and...