This American classic is a humorous turn-of-the-century story about a train agent and the definition of a guinea pig. This hilarious tale of bureaucracy run amok at the Interurban Express Company, and exponential growth of the Guinea...
- Auteur:BUTLER, Ellis ParkerSommaire:
- Auteur:Clarke, AmandaSommaire:
Opening the Government of Canada presents a compelling case for a more open model of governance in the digital age - but a model that also continues to uphold democratic principles at the heart of the Westminster system. Amanda Clarke...
- Auteur:Saint-Pierre, Fabrice P.Sommaire:
Igor Slobovitch est un citoyen exemplaire qui obéit aux lois. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison qu’il a été choisi comme candidat au prestigieux poste d’ambassadeur. Mais auparavant, il devra subir un difficile entraînement au...
- Auteur:Rand, AynSommaire:
This is the story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world and did. Is he a destroyer, or a liberator? Why does he fight his hardest battle not against his enemies but against the woman he loves?