In this new work of riveting and timely non-fiction, Davidson tells the unvarnished story of one transformative year in his life and of his unlikely relationships with a handful of unique and vibrant children who were, to his initial...
Bus drivers
- Auteur:Davidson, CraigSommaire:
- Auteur:Thomas, Penny M.Sommaire:
Nimoshom loved to drive the school bus. Every day, on the way to and from school, he had something to say. Sometimes, he told the kids silly stories. Sometimes, he taught the kids a new word in Cree. Nimoshom and His Bus introduces...
- Auteur:Gutman, Dan.Sommaire:
With the peculiar Mrs. Kormel at the wheel, anything could happen on the bus ride to Ella Mentry School, as A.J. and his friends find out on the day they have to go out of their way to pick up "the nude kid."