WOW Connectez davantage pour Maximiser la puissance de vos relations Préface de Raymond Aaron auteur de best-sellers du New York Times Vis le « Wow » et ta vie entière sera transformée ! Le « WOW » représente la nature d'une...
- Auteur:Lajoie, CédricSommaire:
- Auteur:Parker, ThorntonSommaire:
When it was first published, What If Boomers Can't Retire? predicted what would happen when boomers switched from buying stocks to selling them for retirement income. Since then—and as predicted by author Thornton Parker—stocks have...
- Auteur:Granville, BrigitteSommaire:
As evidenced by the yellow vests protest movement that began in France in 2018, the state of the French nation inspires gloom among many of its citizens. Brigitte Granville views this malaise as a peculiarly French symptom of the...
- Auteur:Gauthier, LucieSommaire:
Bien plus qu'un livre sur la vente, Vendre oui, c'est facile! est une porte grande ouverte sur la réalité du plein potentiel humain et des trésors qui s'y cachent. Avez-vous déjà constaté que les objections nourrissent la...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
No organizational leaders can succeed in today’s fast evolving and highly connected world on their own. To succeed, today’s leaders must not only optimize all their own faculties—mental sharpness, emotional depth, imagination and...
- Auteur:Vettese, FrederickSommaire:
Consider the age-old question of how much you should save to enjoy a comfortable retirement: Are your knees knocking? Are you nervously biting your nails? In The Rule of 30 personal finance expert Frederick Vettese provides a surprising...
- Auteur:Whitney, Diana, Trosten-Bloom, Amanda, Cooperrider, DavidSommaire:
The Power of Appreciative Inquiry describes the internationally embraced approach to organizational change that dramatically improves performance by engaging people to study, discuss, and build upon what’s working – strengths – rather...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Gathering together powerful voices of feminist writers, peace activists, and matriarchal studies scholars from around the globe, The Legacy of Mothers reconceptualizes mothers, motherhood, and mothering as an alternative human logic to...
- Auteur:Miller, Frederick A., Katz, Judith H., West, DougSommaire:
Constant, continuing, and cataclysmic change is causing a major crisis within business organizations today. Faced with constantly advancing technology, unpredictable market shifts, intense global competition, and an increasingly...
- Auteur:Scott, MarianneSommaire:
In the past five years the number of craft and artisan distilleries on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands has more than doubled. A change in the provincial liquor laws in 2013 made small-batch distilling a viable business and with...
- Auteur:Harris, Gerald, Schwartz, PeterSommaire:
Planning today is plagued by a lack of imagination. It’s often difficult, when working with a business, organization or any group of people, to upend traditional thinking and unlock new ideas and new possibilities. If you are a...
- Auteur:Axelrod, RichardSommaire:
Building engagement is crucial for every organization. But the traditional top-down coercive change management paradigm—in which leaders "light a fire" under employees—actually discourages...
- Auteur:Blanchette, CynthiaSommaire:
La vie, c'est un festival, avec ses hauts et ses bas ! Manquez-vous de motivation pour atteindre vos objectifs ou de confiance en vous pour passer à l'action ? Ce livre raconte tout haut ce que tout le monde pense tout bas. Il...
- Auteur:Rosseau, James B.Sommaire:
It's up to you to create your custom-tailored career and define success your way. How? Combine your burning passion with drive, determination, strategy, and commitment to pay it forward; and find and nurture mentor support, stay steady...
- Auteur:Cardone, GrantSommaire:
En période de contraction économique, il devient beaucoup plus difficile de vendre vos produits, de maintenir votre clientèle et de gagner des parts de marché. Les erreurs deviennent plus coûteuses et l'échec menace réellement tous...
- Auteur:CollectifSommaire:
« Du jour au lendemain, sans préavis, sans préparation et sans expertise, nous nous sommes retrouvés à devoir travailler sur le comptoir de la cuisine, de la table à dîner ou assis sur le sofa du salon. Une seconde nous étions en train...
- Auteur:Vettese, FrederickSommaire:
Canada's #1 bestselling retirement income book is now completely revised and updated. Vettese will show you how to mitigate risk and secure your financial future in these unpredictable times. As COVID-19 rocks the economy in an...
- Auteur:Jean-François, Ouellet, Taillefer, AlexandreSommaire:
Au volant de son taxi, le chauffeur se confie à son client: son métier n'est plus du tout ce qu'il était. Alors qu'il y a à peine dix ans, son taxi avait à son bord un passager payant le tiers du temps, les clients se...
- Auteur:Green, HowardSommaire:
Hunter Harrison, the revolutionary railroader from Memphis, dramatically turned four publicly traded companies into cash machines. Starting as a laborer when he was a wayward teenager, Harrison spent a half century in the rail business...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
A indispensable reference for finding the right thing to say at the right time. Richard Pound has spent half a lifetime identifying, collecting, and organizing thousands of quotations. Quotations for the Fast Lane is the result of that...