Our Friendly Local Terrorist tells the story of the fourteen-year struggle of Suleyman Goven, a Kurd accused by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service of being a terrorist. Mary Jo Leddy was "accidentally" present at...
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
- Auteur:Leddy, Mary JoSommaire:
- Auteur:Laverty, MichealSommaire:
An inexperienced CSIS agent, Lucas Young, infiltrates a collective of performance and conceptual artists dubbed “Apollo’s Army.” After assuming the identity of an experimental poet, Lucas joins the group on a cross-country tour of...
- Auteur:Mukbil, HudaSommaire:
In Agent of Change, Huda Mukbil, a Black Arab-Canadian Muslim, chronicles her life as an intelligence officer in Canada's lead spy agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Mukbil was at forefront of the fight against...