The little Siamese kitty with the gigantico imagination is back for another adventure. Sent to his room for a time out, Skippyjon assumes his preferred identity as El Skippito, the swordfighting chihuahua. In his daydreams his canine...
Chihuahua (Dog breed)
- Auteur:Schachner, Judith ByronSommaire:
- Auteur:West, Beverly, Bergund, JasonSommaire:
Fat Daisy, a 16-pound Chihuahua who outgrew her teacup after the birth of her four puppies, has been struggling to regain her toy figure ever since. But what this girl lacks in the lean and mean department, she more than makes up for...
- Auteur:O'Neil, JacquelineSommaire:
Are you crazy about Chihuahuas? Chihuahuas For Dummies, 2nd Edition is fully updated to show you how to find the one you’ll love most and make him or her part of your family. This one-stop guide gives you all the information you need to...