Two of the most produced, popular, and important Canadian plays for young audiences are back in an updated edition. In New Canadian Kid, Nick has just moved to Canada from a country called Homeland, where he is forced to grapple with...
Children's plays, Canadian
- Auteur:Foon, Dennis, Youssef, MarcusSommaire:
- Auteur:Dupont, CatherineSommaire:
Du théâtre pour la salle de classe, de la 4e à la 8e année. Le livre compte trois saynètes : La grève des animaux , La caverne des voleurs, Le faux mendiant.
- Auteur:MacFarlane, GlendaSommaire:
A teenager is dead after facing sexual assault and cyberbullying. Two friends go camping, and one reveals a secret. A conflict between two band students erupts into violence. A refugee celebrates the new year in Canada. A bereaved teen...