This is the true story of Shannen Koostachin and the people of Attawapiskat, a Cree community in Northern Ontario, who have been fighting for a new school since 1979, when a fuel spill contaminated their original school building. It is...
Cree teenagers
- Auteur:Wilson, JanetSommaire:
- Auteur:Paquette, AaronSommaire:
Aisling, a young Cree woman, sets out into the wilderness with her Kokum (grandmother), Aunty and two young men she barely knows. They have to find and rescue her runaway younger brother, Eric. Along the way she learns that the legends...
- Auteur:Wouters, TeresaSommaire:
Set in the 2000s on the fictional reserve of Pâ-ko-sey-i-mo-min, 16-year-old Josh "Creeboy" navigates the world of Indigenous gang life. His dad, the leader of one of the gangs on his reserve, is in jail, and his older brother Darion...