This historical novel, set in late nineteenth-century Chicago, centers around the black servants of a down-on-its heels upper-class white family, who are exploited in the family's desperate business venture.
- Auteur:Hubbard, LadeeSommaire:
- Auteur:Ramos, JoanneSommaire:
A riveting debut novel about four very different women whose lives intersect at a high-end facility where surrogate mothers for the uber wealthy live for the duration of their pregnancies. Welcome to Golden Oaks, the next big thing in...
- Auteur:Khan, M. T.Sommaire:
Aru Shah and the End of Time meets Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away in this mesmerizing portal fantasy that takes readers into the little-known world of Jinn. Nura longs for the simple pleasure of many things—to wear a beautiful red...
- Auteur:Chase-Riboud, BarbaraSommaire:
Born in the colony of Good Hope, South Africa, in 1789, Sarah Baartman was taken to London at the age of twenty by an English surgeon, who promised her fame and fortune. Dubbed the “Hottentot Venus,” she was...
- Auteur:Sindu, Sj.Sommaire:
From the award-winning author of Marriage of a Thousand Lies comes a brilliantly written, globe-spanning novel about identity, faith, family, and sexuality. In Tamil Nadu, India, a boy is born with blue skin. His father sets up an...
- Auteur:Fisher, Brian E.Sommaire:
Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women unwinds the cultural myth that abortion empowers women. Not only are men responsible for promoting and legalizing abortion in America, they are the key beneficiaries. Using historical facts,...