Black Cake meets Death at a Funeral in this heartwarming and hilarious novel about three generations of a Nigerian Canadian family grappling with their matriarch's sudden passing while their auntie insists that her sister is coming...
Families, Black
- Auteur:Onomé, LouisaSommaire:
- Auteur:Anthony, TreySommaire:
Claudette still can't forgive her mother, Daphne, for leaving. For six years of her childhood, Claudette and her sister Valerie were left with their grandmother while their mother moved from Jamaica to Canada to start a new chapter...
- Auteur:Hill, LawrenceSommaire:
Canadian Langston Cane V finds his writing career (and, indeed, his life) in stasis until inspired by his mentor to write about an ancestor who purportedly died fighting alongside John Brown at Harpers Ferry. Traveling to Baltimore, the...