"In 2008, Canada established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to mend the deep rifts between Aboriginal peoples and the settler society that created Canada's notorious residential school system. Unsettling the Settler Within argues...
First Nations
- Auteur:Regan, PauletteSommaire:
- Auteur:Highway, TomsonSommaire:
Protrays the attempts of seven Indian women from a northern Ontario reserve to beat the odds and win the world's largest bingo in Ontario.
- Auteur:Webstad, PhyllisSommaire:
When Phyllis Webstad (nee Jack) turned six, she went to the residential school for the first time. On her first day at school, she wore a shiny orange shirt that her Granny had bought for her, but when she got to the school, it was...
- Auteur:Enzoe, PeteSommaire:
Describes the life of Pete Enzoe, a Chipewyan Indian living in the Northwest Territories, focusing on how he maintains his tribe's culture and the importance of caribou to his people's survival.
- Auteur:Reid-Stevens, AmandaSommaire:
The Canoe He Called Loo Taas celebrates the true story of a 50-foot, community-carved canoe made from a single cedar tree, which was designed and carved by Amanda Steven's late father, Bill Reid. Loo Taas, pronounced, loo toss, are the...
- Auteur:BomgiizhikSommaire:
Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings is a collection of traditional Ojibwe/Anishinaabe stories transcribed directly from Murdoch's oral storytelling, preserving the style and rhythm of the storyteller's voice. These are stories of...
- Auteur:Dennis, DarrellSommaire:
Employing pop culture examples, personal anecdote and a cutting wit, Darrell Dennis deftly weaves history with current events to entertain, inform and provide a convincing, readable overview of First Nations issues and why they matter...
- Auteur:Maracle, LeeSommaire:
My Conversations With Canadians is the book that "Canada150" needs.Harkening back to her first book tour at the age of 26 (for the autobiographical novel Bobbi Lee: Indian Rebel), and touching down upon a multitude of experiences she's...
- Auteur:MacEachern, Shanika, MacEachern, Muinji'jSommaire:
'The story of the Mi'kmaw people is one that very few truly know, Ladybug. Even fewer understand what happened at the residential schools. It is a hard story to tell, but you must know the truth. Sit and I will tell you the story.' When...
- Auteur:Florence, MelanieSommaire:
"A young mother, one of the many missing indigenous women, watches over her small daughter as she grows up without her nimama. Together, but separated, they experience important milestones: the first day of school, first dance, first...
- Auteur:Rice, WaubgeshigSommaire:
Midnight Sweatlodge tells the tale of a group of strangers and family gathered together to partake in this ancient aboriginal ceremony. Each seeks healing from the ceremony and each character gives us a glimpse into their lives that is...
- Auteur:Schilling, VincentSommaire:
The stories of these men are tales of courage, determination and honesty, often in the face of racism and adversity. Read about Larry Merculieff, who helped bring a once oppressed Aleutian people to a position of power and self-...
- Auteur:Philpot, Don K., George, DorisSommaire:
A magical children's picture book, written in Cree and English, depicting the transformation of a barren landscape into a rich natural world where an elderly couple can spend their remaining days. Rooted in the historical displacement...
- Auteur:Ross, RupertSommaire:
Imagine a world in which people see themselves as embedded in the natural order, with ethical responsibilities not only toward each other, but also toward rocks, trees, water and all nature. Imagine seeing yourself not as a master of...
- Auteur:Jones, Adam GarnetSommaire:
How can Shane reconcile his feelings for David with his desire for a better life? Shane is still reeling from the suicide of his kid sister, Destiny. How could he have missed the fact that she was so sad? He tries to share his grief...
- Auteur:Highway, TomsonSommaire:
"Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing" tells another story of the mythical Wasaychigan Hill Indian Reserve, also the setting for Tomson Highway's award winning play The Rez Sisters. Wherein The Rez Sisters the focus was on seven "Wasy"...
- Auteur:Kinsella, W.P.Sommaire:
A collection of short stories written by W. P. Kinsella in 1977, containing seventeen stories narrated by Silas Ermineskin and is set on a Cree Indian reserve in Central Alberta and is about what happens in the lives of the people that...
- Auteur:Baker, CarleighSommaire:
... Baker pushes readers to reconsider their desire for resolution. Eschewing the easy, the neat, the smoothed over, allows us to consider the things about ourselves we might not like. There's a political dimension to this. One...
- Auteur:Cuthand, DougSommaire:
Cree journalist and filmmaker Doug Cuthand articulates the past, present, and future of Saskatchewan's Aboriginal people.