In The Vanishing Face of Gaia, British scientist James Lovelock predicts global warming will lead to a Hot Epoch. Lovelock is best known for formulating the controversial Gaia theory in the 1970s, with Ruth Margulis of the University of...
Gaia hypothesis
- Auteur:Lovelock, JamesSommaire:
- Auteur:LOVELOCK, JamesSommaire:
James Lovelock, one of the giants of environmental thinking, argues passionately and poetically that, although global warming is now inevitable, we are not yet too late to save at least part of human civilization. Not only is mankind on...
- Auteur:Muranyi, Monika, Lemyre, CarlSommaire:
Australian author and naturalist Monika Muranyi has compiled everything that Kryon, the great magnetic master channeled by Lee Carroll, has ever shared about Gaia! For more than 23 years, the loving messages of Kryon have been shared...
- Auteur:Muranyi, Monika, Carroll, Lee, Royer, Louis, Riendeau, Monique, Lemyre, CarlSommaire:
Une grande trilogie de la part de l’un de nos plus formidables duos spirituels, Kryeon et Lee Carroll, voit le jour. Après 23 ans de messages qui ont changé la vie spirituelle de milliers de personnes dans le monde et plus de 300 000...