Eighty-three million dogs and ninety-six million cats call the United States home. Dogs alone produce enough waste to fill more than 1,091 football fields 1 foot deep in a single year. Add billions of plastic pick-up bags to the mix and...
- Auteur:Seemann, RoseSommaire:
- Auteur:Bane, PeterSommaire:
The urban landscape has swallowed vast swaths of prime farmland across North America. Imagine how much more self-reliant our communities would be if thirty million acres of lawns were made productive again. Permaculture is a practical...
- Auteur:Solomon, SteveSommaire:
Vegetables, fruits, and grains are a major source of vital nutrients, but centuries of intensive agriculture have depleted our soils to historic lows. As a result, the broccoli you consume today may have less than half of the vitamins...
- Auteur:Lowenfels, JeffSommaire:
From the bestselling author of Teaming with Microbes and Teaming with Nutrients Teaming with Fungi is an important guide to mycorrhizae and the role they play in agriculture, horticulture, and hydroponics. Almost every plant in a garden...
- Auteur:Conner, CindySommaire:
Historically, seed companies were generally small, often family-run businesses. Because they were regionally based, they could focus on varieties well-suited to the local environment. A Pacific Northwest company, for example, would...
- Auteur:Blackmore, JenniSommaire:
Many of us want to increase our self-sufficiency, but few have access to the ideal five sunny, gently sloping acres of rich, loamy, well-drained soil. Jenni Blackmore presents a highly entertaining, personal account of how permaculture...
- Auteur:Sewak, DavidSommaire:
Most supermarket mushrooms are bland and boring; products of an industrial process which typically relies on expensive equipment and harmful pesticides. Many people would like to add more flavorful and diverse fungi to their diets, but...
- Auteur:Niemann, DeborahSommaire:
Our food system is dominated by industrial agriculture and has become economically and environmentally unsustainable. The incidence of diet-related diseases, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and heart disease, has...
- Auteur:Greer, John MichaelSommaire:
Green Wizardry is a hands-on guide to homescale energy conservation, backyard food production and other commonsense responses to scarcity. Written by a veteran of the 1970s appropriate technology movement, it offers tried and tested...
- Auteur:Footer, AdamSommaire:
Bokashi composting relies on anaerobic fermentation in a closed system to recycle food waste in your kitchen, garage or apartment. Unlike conventional composting, the bokashi method can break down heavier items like meat, fish and...
- Auteur:Gilkeson, LindaSommaire:
This practical guide is packed with simple, low-maintenance methods to produce the most organically grown food all year round from any home garden. With advice on soil preparation, composting, seeding, watering, mulching, pruning,...