An eye-opening and hard-hitting work, When Religion Is an Addiction not only puts the political activities of the right-wing in a new perspective, but explains how liberal responses have often enabled religious addiction to thrive. Dr....
God (Christianity)
- Auteur:Minor, Robert NeilSommaire:
- Auteur:Turner, Matthew PaulSommaire:
YOU, you... God thinks about you. God was thinking of you long before your debut. From early on, children are looking to discover their place in the world and longing to understand how their personalities, traits, and talents fit in....
- Auteur:Calaway, Jared C.Sommaire:
Two verses about Moses in the Bible have been the subject of debate since the first century. In Exodus 33:20, God tells Moses that no one can see God and live, but Numbers 12:8 says that Moses sees the form of the Lord. How does one...
- Auteur:Williams, JoySommaire:
Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalist Joy Williams has a one-of-a-kind gift for capturing both the absurdity and the darkness of everyday life. In Ninety-Nine Stories of God, she takes on one of mankind's most confounding...
- Auteur:Braden, Gregg, Hudon, JeanSommaire:
Le secret de notre passé, la promesse de notre avenir. Que représenterait la découverte d'un ancien langage - d'un véritable message - caché à l'intérieur de notre ADN ? Dans cet ouvrage fascinant, Gregg Braden partage les recherches...
- Auteur:Packer, J. I.Sommaire:
One of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals (Christianity Today, 2006).
Platinum Book Award, Evangelical Christian Publishing Association For over 40 years, J. I. Packer's classic has been an important tool to help...
- Auteur:TerKeurst, LysaSommaire:
Based on her bestselling book Made to Crave, but now distilled down for busy readers, Lysa TerKeurst offers a new perspective to all those stuck in the cycle of losing weight but then gaining it back, equipping readers with the deeper...
- Auteur:Sievert, FredSommaire:
The underlying theme of God Revealed is that all of us encounter God in unanticipated ways. Sometimes we simply don’t recognize where His influence and guidance are constantly manifesting themselves. God Revealed invites readers not...
- Auteur:Ortlund, Dane C.Sommaire:
How does Jesus feel about his people amid all their sins and failures? This audiobook takes listeners into the depths of Christ's very heart-a heart of tender love drawn to sinners and sufferers.
- Auteur:Tozer, A. W.Sommaire:
A.W. Tozer's Follow-up to The Knowledge of the Holy We were created in the image of God, and to understand who we are, we need to understand who God is. His very character and nature are reflected through us. Unless we fully grasp who...
- Auteur:Volf, MiroslavSommaire:
Allah offers a constructive vision for a new pluralism. The claim that Muslims and Christians worship the same God yet have different understandings of that one God is an expression of just such pluralism. If a "clash of...
- Auteur:Spurgeon, C. H.Sommaire:
In this series of devotionals, he challenges each of us to examine our own heart to make sure our faith is solidly grounded, to count the cost, and to experience the promise of grace. It would be very difficult to say how far a man may...