Bestselling author and acclaimed historian Alison Weir tells the tragic story of Henry VIII's fifth wife, a nineteen-year-old beauty with a hidden past, in this fifth novel in the sweeping Six Tudor Queens series. In the spring of 1540...
Henry VIII, 1509-1547
- Auteur:Weir, AlisonSommaire:
- Auteur:Mantel, HilarySommaire:
Though he battled for seven years to marry her, Henry is disenchanted with Anne Boleyn. She has failed to give him a son and her sharp intelligence and audacious will alienate his old friends and the noble families of England. When the...
- Auteur:Philippa GregorySommaire:
Film tie-in edtion of this magnificent tale of rivalry and jealousy set in the volatile court of King Henry VIII. The Boleyn family is keen to rise through the ranks of society, and what better way than to place their most beautiful...