"It is the late 1960s, and the world of twelve-year-old Ruth Iverson pretty much revolves around her friends, a boy she likes, The Monkees and spending time with her dad, doing special stuff like watching the Toronto Maple Leafs win the...
Huntington's disease
- Auteur:White, SusanSommaire:
- Auteur:Choyce, LesleySommaire:
In this novel for teens, Trevor, who has Huntington's disease, connects with an old man who helps him live his life more fully.
- Auteur:Podos, RebeccaSommaire:
Like Water is an unforgettable story of two girls navigating the unknowable waters of identity, millennial anxiety, and first love, from the acclaimed author of The Mystery of Hollow Places. In Savannah Espinoza's small New Mexico...