The mysterious Simon Chaloner appears at the Queen’s Head Pub following a performance by Lord Westfield’s Men, a leading Elizabethan company of players. Then Chaloner follows producer Nicholas Bracewell and playwright Edmund Hoode home...
Lord Westfield's Men (Fictitious characters)
- Auteur:Marston, EdwardSommaire:
- Auteur:Marston, EdwardSommaire:
Jonas Applegarth is a brilliant but belligerent playwright. When his play, "The Misfortunes of Marriage," is performed by Lord Westfield's Men, it causes an uproar. All of Applegarth's enemies attack the company. Nicholas Bracewell...
- Auteur:Marston, EdwardSommaire:
When plague strikes London, Lord Westfield’s Men count themselves fortunate they’ve been invited to perform as part of the wedding celebrations for Sophia Magdalena, the fair maid of Bohemia. The long journey across Europe is a daunting...