In the thrilling third instalment in the popular Shenanigans series, Cody, Eric, and Rachel are back in the present after their time-travelling adventure and ready to return to their boring lives in the sleepy town of Sultana, Manitoba...
Military bases
- Auteur:Oertel, AndreasSommaire:
- Auteur:MacDonald, Ann-MarieSommaire:
“The sun came out after the war and our world went Technicolor. Everyone had the same idea. Let’s get married. Let’s have kids. Let’s be the ones who do it right.”
The Way the Crow Flies, the second novel by bestselling, award-...
- Auteur:Smith, Ronald L.Sommaire:
After something strange happens during a camping trip, twelve-year-old alien-obsessed Simon suspects he has been abducted, but was it real or just his overactive imagination?
- Auteur:Child, Lee.Sommaire:
Carter Crossing, Mississippi. 1997. A lonely railroad track. A crime scene. A coverup. A young woman is dead, and solid evidence points to a soldier at a nearby military base. But that soldier has powerful friends in Washington. Reacher...
- Auteur:Cassidy, NatSommaire:
*The original podcast recording* This audio book includes all fourteen episodes of the Audio Verse Award-winning podcast series, plus exclusive bonus content, including the live staged reading of the prequel episode, "Deputy"; a round...
- Auteur:REILLY, MatthewSommaire:
It is America's most secret base, hidden deep in the Utah desert, an Air Force installation known only as Area 7. And today it has a visitor: the President of the United States. He has come to inspect Area 7, to examine its secrets...