The story of an Inuit shaman in Labrador, a successful artist with no interest in the monetary rewards life offers. He discovers the skeleton of a plane lost during WWII, and attempts to identify the crewmen on board. The granddaughter...
- Auteur:Beuhler, C. J.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Rich, GeorgeSommaire:
George Rich tells the story of growing up as a Labrador Innu caught between two worlds, the settlement of Davis Inlet and the nomadic world of his ancestors.
- Auteur:Peastitute, JohnSommaire:
Chahkapas: A Naskapi Legend shares the story of Chahkapas, a heroic figure in First Nations storytelling, who performs feats of strength and skill in spite of his diminutive size. The book shares this traditional legend as originally...