Since 1873, the Mounties have brought the law to the furthest reaches of the Canadian frontier. Sam Steele, the "Lion of the North," was involved in almost every significant event in the Canadian West; James Macleod and James Walsh...
North West Mounted Police (Canada)
- Auteur:Andra-Warner, ElleSommaire:
- Auteur:Simmie, LoisSommaire:
John Wilson came to Canada from Scotland in 1912, leaving his wife and family with the promise to return in a year. In 1914 he joined the Mounties, and while stationed in Saskatchewan village, he caught TB and fell hopelessly in love...
- Auteur:Brown, Wayne F.Sommaire:
In the spring of 1885, it appeared that war was about to set the Canadian West aflame. Louis Riel had established a Metis provisional government at Batoche, and the Cree, led by war chief Wandering Spirit, had killed settlers, taken...
- Auteur:Macleod, RodSommaire:
Sam Steele, “the man who tamed the Gold Rush,” had a high-profile public career, yet his private life has been closely protected. Sam Steele: A Biography follows Steele’s rise from farm boy in backwoods Ontario to the much-lauded Major...
- Auteur:McDivitt, BarrySommaire:
In the 1870s, a teenage criminal from New York makes history when he becomes the first person arrested by Canada’s newly created national police force — the original RCMP. Following this encounter, he unwillingly accompanies the North...
- Auteur:Denny, Cecil E.Sommaire:
Based on Denny's 1939 work, "The law marches west", this updated version chronicles the great march of the North West Mounted Police from Dufferin to Fort Whoop-Up in 1874. Facing rain, storms, locusts and a tornado, the Mounties...
- Auteur:Livesey, Robert, Smith, A.G.Sommaire:
Les années suivant la création du Dominion du Canada en 1867, le territoire canadien connait une expansion fulgurante. Face à la menace grandissante des trafiquants d'alcool et des brigands régnant sur l'Ouest américain,...
- Auteur:Denny, Cecil E.Sommaire:
Like many other pioneering North West Mounted Police officers, Cecil Denny was a colourful, independent man with a career full of conquest and controversy. He and his comrades played key roles in the taming of Canada's wild and woolly...
- Auteur:Touchie, Rodger D.Sommaire:
The West was a lawless domain when Jerry Potts was born into the Upper Missouri fur trade in 1838. The son of a Scottish father and a Blood mother, he was given the name Bear Child by his Blood tribe for his bravery and tenacity while...