Nine years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster, Japan is preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. An unnamed narrator wakes up in a cold, sterile room, unable to recall her past. Across the country, the elderly begin...
Nuclear energy
- Auteur:Kobayashi, ErikaSommaire:
- Auteur:Hunt, KenSommaire:
The hands of humans split the atom and reshaped the world. Gradually revealing a sublime nightmare that begins with spontaneous nuclear fission in the protozoic and ends with the omnicide of the human race, The Manhattan Project traces...
- Auteur:Lemieux, JulieSommaire:
Voici un essai sur les dangers des centrales nucléaires qui donnera à réfléchir à tous les citoyens en général et aux moins de 30 ans en particulier, eux qui ne connaissent pas l’histoire de Tchernobyl, la pire catastrophe technologique...
- Auteur:Mahaffey, James A.Sommaire:
With clear explanations of some of the most complex scientific endeavors in history, this book looks back at the atom's wild, secretive past and then toward its potentially bright future. Mahaffey unearths lost reactors on far flung...