Should we believe in God' In this brisk introduction to modern atheism, one of the world's greatest science writers tells us why we shouldn't. Richard Dawkins was fifteen when he stopped believing in God. Deeply impressed...
- Auteur:Dawkins, RichardSommaire:
- Auteur:Gonzalez, Pedro BlasSommaire:
This book is first and foremost a detailed and meticulous study of Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses (1930). No other relevant, up-to-date books explore this thinker and his great work. Most importantly, the author...
- Auteur:Nietzsche, Friedrich WilhelmSommaire:
- Auteur:Kingwell, MarkSommaire:
With COVID-19 comes a heightened sense of everyday risk. How should a society manage, distribute, and conceive of it? As we cope with the lengthening effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, considerations of everyday risk have been...
- Auteur:Pappas, Nicholas J.Sommaire:
Drawing on the tradition of the Platonic dialogue, On Freedom explores what freedom is and what it means through the discussions of two characters, Director and Friend. Director plays the role of a modern-day Socrates. Friend is his...
- Auteur:MOOREY, TeresaSommaire:
Covers the predictions by Nostradamus that have proven correct, what he said about war and disaster, the prophecies of a Golden Age and Nostradamus in context, his times and ours.
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Peery, Rebekah S.Sommaire:
In this book a new interpretation of Nietzsche's writings weaves together several issues: power, value, nature, sexuality and sexual politics and religion. This is perhaps the first book to address all these issues, and it offers the...
- Auteur:Angle, Stephen C.Sommaire:
Neo-Confucianism is a philosophically sophisticated tradition weaving classical Confucianism together with themes from Buddhism and Daoism. It began in China around the eleventh century CE, played a leading role in East Asian cultures...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Alongside the major narratives of ethics in the tradition of Western philosophy, a reader with an eye to the vague and the peripheral, to the turbulent and shifting, will spy minor lines of thinking - and with them, new histories and...
- Auteur:Grim, PatrickSommaire:
How is it that our brain creates all the subjective experiences of our lives every single day-the experiences we call reality' That is the mind-body problem. In Mind-Body Philosophy, Professor Patrick Grim of the State University...
- Auteur:Derrida, JacquesSommaire:
- Auteur:Sarr, FelwineSommaire:
Revisitons le savoir-faire et le savoir-vivre de l'Afrique. Résumé Méditations africaines est un livre d'aphorismes et de sagesses. Une suite de formes brèves et concises qui invite à lire et à penser le monde à partir de l...
- Auteur:Kary, NickSommaire:
A master craftsperson explores the ways in which working with our hands reveals the essence of both our humanity and our relationship with the natural, material world In our present age of computer-assisted design, mass production and...
- Auteur:Carver, TerrellSommaire:
Karl Marx was the first theorist of global capitalism and remains perhaps its most trenchant critic. This clear and innovative book, from one of the leading contemporary experts on Marx's thought, gives us a fresh overview of his...
- Auteur:Smith, RaySommaire:
The Lord Nelson Tavern: a Halifax watering hole in the early 1960s. The group of young university students who hang out there—a ramshackle coterie of aspiring artists, economists, poets, and philosophers—come together to gossip and...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Michaud, GinetteSommaire:
Jacques Derrida est sans contredit le philosophe qui s'est le plus passionné pour la littérature, sous toutes ses formes (impossibles à formaliser) et en tous genres (impossibles à assigner). Dès les commencements de son oeuvre...
- Auteur:Esquith, RafeSommaire:
Rafe Esquith knows a thing or two about connecting with today's young people. Here he offers parents sound, proven advice on raising children ready to thrive in the 21st century.
- Auteur:Perkins, FranklinSommaire: