Tout au long de ce livre, deux pistes se croisent au fil des lieux, des époques et des saisons : celle des grandes oies blanches et celle des gens qui les ont admirées, convoitées. Sur la toile de fond des cycles naturels, la halte...
- Auteur:Baril, GéraldSommaire:
- Auteur:Johnson, David KyleSommaire:
The science fiction genre has become increasingly influential in mainstream popular culture, evolving into one of the most engaging storytelling tools we use to think about technology and consider the shape of the future. Along the way...
- Auteur:ConfuciusSommaire:
Promoting virtues such as filial devotion, compassion, loyalty, and propriety, these dialogues between the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius and his disciples comprise the crux of Confucianism.
- Auteur:Yunkaporta, TysonSommaire:
As an indigenous person, Tyson Yunkaporta looks at global systems from a unique perspective, one tied to the natural and spiritual world. In considering how contemporary life diverges from the pattern of creation, he raises important...
- Auteur:Pedwell, CarolynSommaire:
Although we tend to associate social transformation with major events, historical turning points, or revolutionary upheaval, Revolutionary Routines argues that seemingly minor everyday habits are the key to meaningful change. Through...
- Auteur:De Botton, AlainSommaire:
- Auteur:Peterson, Michael L.Sommaire:
Reason and Religious Belief, now in its fifth edition, explores perennial questions in the philosophy of religion. Drawing from the best in both classical and contemporary discussions, the authors examine religious experience, faith and...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Readings by writers including: St. Thomas Aquinas, H.L.A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin, Gerald Dworkin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Stuart Mill, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Patrick Devlin, Patricia Smith and Jerome Frank.
- Auteur:Pal, PratapadityaSommaire:
This book is a new biography of Ananda Coomarswamy whose philosophical and metaphysical contributions have been well recorded. This book deals essentially with his career in the arts.
- Auteur:Turmel, Patrick, Robichaud, DavidSommaire:
La démocratie va mal. Menacée par la manipulation de l'opinion publique et la montée d'un certain populisme aux relents autoritaires, entre autre choses, elle parait d'autant plus fragile que l'on participe souvent...
- Auteur:Miller, DavidSommaire:
This Very Short Introduction introduces readers to the key concepts of political philosophy: authority, democracy, freedom and its limits, justice, feminism, multiculturalism, and nationality. Accessibly written and assuming no...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
This revised edition of Political Ideologies and Political Philosophies provides a comprehensive grounding in the fundamentals of political theory, philosophy, and ideology. Editor H.B. McCullough has balanced writings by such...
- Auteur:Cathcart, Thomas, Klein, DanielSommaire:
The great philosopher Aristotle once said "Humor is the only test of gravity, for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious." Taking this tenet to task, Cathart and Klein tackle all the major philosophical perspectives--...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Gathering 49 readings on a variety of topics--science and pseudoscience; rationality, objectivity, and values in science; laws of nature; models of explanation, among others--this anthology introduces students to the often challenging...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Noddings, NelSommaire:
"The first edition of Nel Noddings' Philosophy of Education was acclaimed as the "best overview in the field" by the Teaching Philosophy and predicted to "become the standard textbook in philosophy of education...
- Auteur:Morris, TomSommaire:
Philosophy at its best is an activity more than a body of knowledge. In an ancient sense, done right, it is a healing art. It’s intellectual self-defense. It’s a form of therapy. But it’s also much more. Philosophy is map-making for the...
- Auteur:TUCKER, RobertSommaire:
An analysis of, and commentary on, the socialist philosophy of Karl Marx and his stressing of the antagonism between labour and capital.
- Auteur:VoltaireSommaire:
Includes wise and witty entries on subjects as diverse as atheism and kissing.