In The Uncomfortable Pew Bruce Douville explores the relationship between Christianity and the New Left in English Canada from 1959 to 1975. Focusing primarily on Toronto, he examines the impact that left-wing student radicalism had on...
- Auteur:Douville, BruceSommaire:
- Auteur:Davis, Steven L., Minutaglio, BillSommaire:
Based on freshly uncovered primary sources and new firsthand interviews, this book takes readers along for the gonzo ride of a lifetime. Spanning twenty-eight months, President Nixon's careening, global manhunt for Dr. Timothy...
- Auteur:Brunner, JohnSommaire:
The brilliant 1969 Hugo Award-winning novel from John Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar, now included with a foreword by Bruce Sterling. Norman Niblock House is a rising executive at General Technics, one of a few all-powerful corporations....
- Auteur:Penner, DevinSommaire:
Spectacle is usually considered a superficial form of politics, which tries to distract and deceive a passive audience. It is difficult to see how this type of politics could be reconciled with the democratic requirement of active and...
- Auteur:Bontinck, DimitriSommaire:
Dimitri Bontinck lived every parent's worst nightmare: his teenage son, introduced to Islam by his girlfriend, fell into the clutches of a radical mosque. Completely brainwashed, Jay snuck out of the house and traveled to Syria, all but...
- Auteur:Khosrokhavar, FarhadSommaire:
In the wake of the Paris, Beirut, and San Bernardino terrorist attacks, fears over "homegrown terrorism" have surfaced to a degree not seen since September 11, 2001-especially following the news that all of the perpetrators in Paris...
- Auteur:Berger, DanSommaire:
Outlaws of America brings to life America's most famous renegades, the Weather Underground. Based on detailed and original research, it is a gripping account of the actions and motivations of the group of white people who risked...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
In 1968, as protests shook France and war raged in Vietnam, the giants of Black radical politics descended on Montreal to discuss the unique challenges and struggles facing their brothers and sisters. For the first time since 1968,...
- Auteur:House, SilasSommaire:
A riveting story of survival and hope, set in the not-too-distant future, about a young man forced to flee the United States and seek refuge across the Atlantic. As fires devastate most of the United States, Lark and his family secure a...
- Auteur:Campana, AurélieSommaire:
Comment expliquer un attentat dans un cinéma aux États-Unis, dans une mosquée à Québec ou sur une promenade à Nice, en France ? Quelles sont les motivations qui poussent certains individus à commettre des actes aussi odieux que violents...
- Auteur:Anderson, B.K.Sommaire:
Gladys Sage escaped the backwoods of Northern Ontario, leaving behind the body of her stepfather, to arrive in New York and the world of political revolutionaries. Hired to find her is Pinkerton detective James Kelly, a recent Irish...
- Auteur:Mayer, JaneSommaire:
Why is America living in an age of profound economic inequality' Why, despite the desperate need to address climate change, have even modest environmental efforts been defeated again and again' Why have protections for...
- Auteur:Picciolini, ChristianSommaire:
At fourteen, Christian Picciolini was recruited by skinheads and encouraged to fight to "protect the white race from extinction." Soon, he had become a neo-nazi terror. By the time he left the movement and was finally able to see...
- Auteur:Ross, Alexander ReidSommaire:
US society is notoriously complacent when it comes to the rise of fascist tendencies. When Dylann Roof murdered nine black parishioners in a Charleston church, media emphasis remained superficial. Familiar narratives of insane lone...