Journey now to Castle Gate, Utah of 1910 where...Forbidden Love Tries to Survive Old World Expectations Schoolteacher Leanna McKee plans on leaving the coal mining town of Castle Gate, Utah, and never looking back. Good riddance to coal...
- Auteur:Dicken, AngieSommaire:
- Auteur:BELL, BarbaraSommaire:
Miss Jane Burch thought she was merely pursuing a harmless deception when she agreed to pose as the respectably aged and unattractive companion of her cousin, the beautiful and reckless Winnifred Timburton. But now Winnifred's new...
- Auteur:STEWART, MarySommaire:
Camilla Haven is on holiday alone, and wishes for some excitement. No sooner has she written to her friend Elizabeth in England, than her life suddenly begins to take off and she finds herself in the midst of an exciting, intriguing,...
- Auteur:Watson, SarahSommaire:
From the creator of the hit TV series The Bold Type comes an empowering and heartfelt novel about a future female president's senior year of high school. Ava, CJ, Jordan, and Martha (listed in alphabetical order out of fairness...
- Auteur:ROBERTS, NoraSommaire:
Sweeping tale of romantic suspense set in Montana. Jack Mercy died leaving a ranch worth $20 million and now his daughters have gathered to hear the reading of the will.
- Auteur:Cadell, ElizabethSommaire:
This novel takes the form of a diary of an English girl who marries into a Portuguese family.
- Auteur:Brodeur, ChantalSommaire:
Les livres peuvent-ils changer le monde et nous redonner goût à la vie ? Lucie, alias Miss Biblio, en est persuadée. La mission que s'est donnée cette passionnée : faire reconnaître le rôle clé de la lecture et des bibliothèques...
- Auteur:SCANLAN, PatriciaSommaire:
Chris Wallace is selfish, arrogant, a liar and a bastard. He is also sexy as hell. His weary wife Suzy, is a woman scorned wreaking havoc on his mistress, once her best friend. Ellen, the mother of his child, still wants him after he...
- Auteur:COULTER, CatherineSommaire:
Not many girls born with brains and beauty would try to cover up the fact. But for Frances Kilbracken, it was the only defence against marriage to the playboy Hawk, Earl of Rothermere - or so she thought.
- Auteur:Maréchal, CynthiaSommaire:
Jenny et Guillaume se réjouissent à l'idée d'emménager enfin dans leur propre condo. La désillusion sera grande lorsque les amoureux découvriront que leur voisine de palier n'est pas, comme ils l'espéraient, une...
- Auteur:HOLT, VictoriaSommaire:
From the moment young Suewellyn caught her first glimpse of Mateland castle, she knew she wanted to possess it. But how could an illegitimate child aspire to such a dream? The answer lay in perilous deception.
- Auteur:JACOBS, AnnaSommaire:
When Captain Merrivale dies, his daughters Martha and Penelope are left almost penniless. They find employment as schoolteachers in the Lancashire mill town of Tapton working for mill-owner Jonas Wright. They are charged with...
- Auteur:Quincy, DianaSommaire:
Lady Elinor Dunsmore a commis l'erreur de tomber amoureuse du meilleur ami de son frère aîné, disparu après une nuit de passion débridée. Six ans et une vie plus tard, leurs yeux se croisent dans un salon à Paris. Ses amis et sa famille...
- Auteur:Quincy, DianaSommaire:
Un roman d'espionnage de l'époque de la Régence Quand une flamboyante parachutiste française atterrit sur un lord Cosmo Dunsmore ivre, il présume que c'est un ange tombé du ciel. N'est-elle pas plutôt une espionne en quête d'une chose...
- Auteur:Downing, SamanthaSommaire:
Leur histoire d'amour est simple: il se sont rencontrés, sont tombés amoureux. Puis, ils ont eu des enfants et se sont installés en banlieue. Comme un couple normal, ils ont partagé leurs plus grands rêves, se sont confié leurs...
- Auteur:LYONS, GenevieveSommaire:
Homeless, penniless, lonely Lucy Leighton finds employment as companion to eminent journalist Clarissa Bourke-Rathbone. Lucy accompanies Clarissa to Capri, home of reclusive writer Conrad Morheim, and so begins Lucy's journey to...
- Auteur:Charron, AnnSommaire:
Après un accouchement difficile et une déchirante révélation familiale, Angélique quitte le Québec pour s'évader dans le sud de la Floride afin de réfléchir à son avenir. Son innocence, la découverte de son pouvoir sexuel, l'...
- Auteur:CARTLAND, BarbaraSommaire:
Having no son, the Marquess of Walstoke makes his nephew Harry his heir. When he, along with his friend Sir Hubert Bryan, learns that Harry is planning to marry an actress they work out a plan to prevent him from ruining his life.
- Auteur:BARNES, JulianSommaire:
Stuart, his ex-wife Gillian, and her new husband, Oliver (Stuart's former best friend) are still entangled in their new relationship to one another.
- Auteur:CARTLAND, BarbaraSommaire:
Forced to accompany her uncle on a voyage to Calcutta, Sita attempts to throw herself overboard. She is saved by a mysterious stranger. They meet again when he rescues her from kidnappers and together they save the Nazim's life...