Valery the Great is a crackling, electric collection of dark humour that follows the bizarre and beautiful lives of its protagonists. Sometimes sweet and gentle, sometimes sharply sarcastic, the unique narrative voices in this...
Short stories (Canadian)
- Auteur:McCluskey, ElaineSommaire:
- Auteur:Farrell, JennSommaire:
The Devil You Know is the follow-up volume to Farrell’s critically acclaimed debut collection, Sugar Bush & Other Stories. These stories deal with sex, love, work, birth, and death in alternately moving, shocking, funny, and at...
- Auteur:Firth, MatthewSommaire:
Fiction Pick, Broken Pencil Magazine.
Suburban Pornography is contemporary literature, which documents Canadian urban life in a raw and naked manner. The prose is stripped--minimalist, direct, urgent, unflinching. The stories...
- Auteur:Burgess, TonySommaire:
Winner, 2011 ReLit Award. From the author of Pontypool Changes Everything,
Ravenna Gets is a new collection of “wheeled” stories that continue the author’s exploration of “apocalypse fiction.” In a single convulsion of homicide,...
- Auteur:Giles, W. MarkSommaire:
Winner of the W.O. Mitchell/City of Calgary Award.
A debut collection, these stories are set in the corporeal world of adult endeavour: the mall, the office, the subdivision. It’s these settings that W. Mark Giles exploits—...
- Auteur:Barwin, GarySommaire:
Shortlisted for the City of Hamilton book award.
At times comic, tender, dark, and arrestingly bizarre, Gary Barwin’s latest fiction collection marvels at the strangeness, charm, and beauty that is contemporary life in the...
- Auteur:Gudgeon, ChristopherSommaire:
”To give a feeling of Christopher Gudgeon’s new collection, let’s turn to the story that gives the book its name. In The Widow Soré, the title character finds among her deceased fiancé Guillermo’s papers what appears to be a stack of...
- Auteur:Stewart, PamelaSommaire:
Pamela Stewart is a self-described "literary proctologist," and her writing often looks into places that people generally don't want to look. The stories in Elysium are about the difficulties of life we all encounter as human beings,...
- Auteur:Leggat, AlexandraSommaire:
Finalist, Trillium Book Award.
The stories in Animal depict people on the brink of major life change. Often at a crossroads they are oblivious to, Leggat's characters seem to be captured in a cinematic slo-mo, teetering on the...