In this propulsive locked-room thriller debut, a reunion weekend in the French Alps turns deadly when five friends discover that someone has deliberately stranded them at their remote mountaintop resort during a snowstorm. When Milla...
- Auteur:Reynolds, AllieSommaire:
- Auteur:Spano, RobinSommaire:
A young snowboarder is found dead on the Blackcomb Glacier, and Whistler police want to close the case as suicide. The victim’s mother, a U.S. senator, says her daughter would not, and did not, kill herself. At her request, the FBI...
- Auteur:Thomas, ErinSommaire:
Ryan is determined to be a professional snowboarder but he's learned from what happened to his whistle-blower father that doing the right thing doesn't always pay off. When his parents leave Kamloops, Ryan decides to stay with relatives...