Kasia Van Schaik's debut story collection follows the journey of Charlotte Ferrier, a child of divorce raised by a single mother in a small town in British Columbia after moving from South Africa. Mother and daughter wait out the end of...
South Africans
- Auteur:Van Schaik, KasiaSommaire:
- Auteur:Jonasson, JonasSommaire:
On June 14, 2007, the king and prime minister of Sweden went missing. Later it was said that both had fallen ill. The truth is different. The real story begins much earlier, with the birth of Nombeko Mayeki in a shack in South Africa, a...
- Auteur:Davids, C. A.Sommaire:
Historian, Zara Black, is far from home, trying to come to terms with her family's past. The unearthing begins with her grandfather who concealed his race to escape the harsh realities of the diamond mines before ultimately changing his...
- Auteur:Chase-Riboud, BarbaraSommaire:
Born in the colony of Good Hope, South Africa, in 1789, Sarah Baartman was taken to London at the age of twenty by an English surgeon, who promised her fame and fortune. Dubbed the “Hottentot Venus,” she was...