Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles'Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that...
Storage in the home
- Auteur:Kondo, MarieSommaire:
- Auteur:Brett, SimonSommaire:
Ellen Curtis runs her own business helping people who are running out of space. As a declutterer, she is used to encountering all sorts of weird and wonderful objects in the course of her work. What she has never before encountered is a...
- Auteur:Leeds, ReginaSommaire:
Professional organizer Regina Leeds is an expert at uncluttering chaotic lives in only minutes a day. Her magic formula (eliminate, categorize, organize) transforms small chunks of time into big changes. With hundreds of tips and tricks...
- Auteur:Waldman, DebbySommaire:
Daisy thinks her room is too small to fit all the birthday presents she plans to receive, but she realizes she already has everything she needs to be happy and donates many of her belongings to a Mitzvah Day rummage sale. This edition...
- Auteur:Ballard, Mary FrancesSommaire:
Are your mornings spent frantically looking for the misplaced keys or the field trip form? Do you have trouble deciding what to keep and what to let go? Are you too embarrassed by the way your house looks to invite family and friends in...
- Auteur:Bechen, KathrynSommaire:
You can enjoy an organized, beauty-filled life no matter what size your space is. In this practical book, you'll learn how to perform an audit of your space to see if it's functioning at its best, make the most of existing...
- Auteur:Jay, FrancineSommaire:
Bombardés que nous sommes d’offres alléchantes, nous pensons parfois qu’il nous faut le dernier bidule high tech, l’outil le plus récent ou le gadget de cuisine à la mode pour être heureux. Pas étonnant que nos maisons soient remplies...
- Auteur:Danielle, MiaSommaire:
Downsizing your home or possessions can be a tough project to finish, or even start. Written by a minimalism expert, this straightforward guide offers actionable advice for specific situations.
- Auteur:Casazza, AllieSommaire:
"uccessful business entrepreneur Allie Casazza shares her powerful and proven method for clearing the clutter in our minds by first clearing the clutter in our homes, the place where transformation begins.