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Street musicians

  • Auteur:
    Story, Rosalyn M.

    In 1955, a young boy brings a small infant to the door of an unsuspecting family. Forty years later, L.J. Tillman, a professional jazz musician, makes his way to New York City after a startling revelation wrecks his life in Kansas....

  • Auteur:
    Brouwer, Sigmund

    Webb's abusive stepfather has made it impossible for him to live at home, so Webb survives on the streets by busking with his guitar and working as a dishwasher. When Webb's grandfather dies, his will stipulates that his grandsons...

  • Auteur:
    Weston, Robert Paul

    She walks in with her music and out with his heart Kaz Barrett should be saving for college. Instead, he saves his pay from the Sit ’n’ Spin Laundromat to send his mother to an expensive sleep clinic in New York. She suffers from a rare...

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