A sequel to "The Devil Wears Prada" finds Andy Sachs and her partner, Emily, blossoming throughout eight years at the head of a wildly successful high fashion bridal magazine only to be haunted by memories of their former boss...
- Auteur:Weisberger, LaurenSommaire:
- Auteur:Jackson, BrendaSommaire:
Having a crush on her drop-dead-gorgeous boss could get Hopewell General intern Jasmine Campbell fired, especially with the prestigious Virginia hospital reeling from a shocking scandal. But head resident Lucien De Winter is impossible...
- Auteur:Casanove, SusanSommaire:
Roger Benezoscee is the worst boss you've ever had. What could possibly force this obnoxious, egotistical old megalomaniac to change his ways? Nothing short of a Damascene conversion. Angels in the Dark--a radio play set in total...