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Transatlantic voyages

  • Auteur:
    Rogan, Charlotte

    In the summer of 1914, Grace elopes with Henry Winter in London. When the elegant ocean liner carrying them home to America suffers a mysterious explosion, Henry sacrifices his own safety and secures Grace a seat in a lifeboat, which...

  • Auteur:
    Kenyon, Linda

    After her marriage of 25 years ended badly, Linda Kenyon was determined to never put herself in the way of a broken heart again. But then she met an extraordinary man, and in an act of great courage -- or foolishness -- decided to sell...

  • Auteur:
    Holmes, Tori, Gleeson, Paul

    Acting on self-assured determination and an ever-growing sense of adventure, Tori Holmes, a 21-year-old from Alberta, Canada, and Paul Gleeson, a 29-year-old financial advisor from Limerick, Ireland, embraced the dream of rowing a tiny...

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