In To the Far Blue Mountains, Louis L'Amour weaves the unforgettable tale of a man who, after returning to his homeland, discovers that finding his way back to America may be impossible. Barnabas Sackett was leaving England to make his...
United States--Blue Ridge Mountains
- Auteur:L'Amour, LouisSommaire:
- Auteur:Trigiani, AdrianaSommaire:
New York Times bestselling adult novelist Adriana Trigiani brings a heartwarming picture book, adapted for audio, about a how a family comes together to celebrate Valentine's Day. Mia Valentina Amore loves valentines. After all,...
- Auteur:Gilbert, VictoriaSommaire:
Autumn leaves aren't the only things falling in the historic Virginia village of Taylorsford-so are some cherished memories, and a few bodies. October in Taylorsford, Virginia, means it's leaf peeping season, with bright...
- Auteur:Gilbert, VictoriaSommaire:
Spring has sprung in quaint Taylorsford, Virginia, and the mayor has revived the town's long-defunct May Day celebration to boost tourism. As part of the festivities, library director Amy Webber is helping to organize a research...
- Auteur:Gilbert, VictoriaSommaire:
The pursuit to acquire a rare illustrated book turns deadly, and on the eve of her upcoming wedding, library director Amy Webber is drawn into a web of treachery and betrayal that could derail her happy day-and maybe just claim her life...