Jerry Levy’s gritty, urban tales are driven by arresting prose and engaging human drama. Urban Legend is psychologically intense with characters attempting to overcome personal loss in peculiar ways. In “Paris is a Woman” a man hopes...
Urban folklore
- Auteur:Levy, JerrySommaire:
- Auteur:Brogden, JamesSommaire:
After her hand is amputated following a tragic accident, Rachel Cooper suffers vivid nightmares of a woman imprisoned in the trunk of a hollow tree, screaming for help. When she begins to experience phantom sensations of leaves and...
- Auteur:Schwartz, AlvinSommaire:
Walking corpses, dancing bones, knife-wielding madmen, and narrow escapes from death--they're all here in this chilling collection of ghost stories, collected and retold by folklorist Alvin Schwartz. These horrific tales are...
- Auteur:Graham, MonicaSommaire:
Just below the Antigonish-Guysborough County line, there is an overgrown spot, nearly impossible to find without a guide, where the cursed MacDonald farm once stood. Though no physical trace remains, the legend of the mysterious events...
- Auteur:Brouillette, DanielSommaire:
L'auteur de la série à succès Bine récidive avec un troisième tome de la collection Couche-toi moins niaiseux, un livre pour permettre de discerner le vrai du faux dans les mythes et fausses croyances véhiculés par les...