A heart-warming sequel to the international bestseller The Elephant Whisperer, by Lawrence Anthony's wife Francoise Malby-Anthony. A chic Parisienne, Francoise never expected to find herself living on a South African game reserve....
Wildlife refuges
- Auteur:Willemsen, Katja, Malby-Anthony, FrançoiseSommaire:
- Auteur:Henderson, AliceSommaire:
Targeted by aggressive locals attempting to sabotage her research on a Montana endangered wildlife sanctuary, biologist Alex Carter reports evidence of an injured person to indifferent authorities before uncovering the activities of a...
- Auteur:ANTHONY, LawrenceSommaire:
It had been nearly a century since elephants had lived in Southern Zululand, South Africa, where Lawrence Anthony founded his Thula Thula wildlife reserve. Yet one day a phone call changed all that. A troubled, unpredictable herd needed...