We all have a destiny. Finding the courage to drive past the challenges, pains, and even the shortcuts of life to the deeper purpose of living is to thrive in one's divine destiny. In this book, T. D. Jakes shares insight to help...
Self-help publications
- Author:Jakes, T. D.Summary:
- Author:Brandon, DianeSummary:
Que vous ayez naturellement accès à l’intuition ou que celle-ci sommeille en vous, L’intuition pour débutants vous apprendra à développer votre connaissance intuitive, facilitant ainsi les relations interpersonnelles, la résolution de...
- Author:Bernard-Bonnin, Anne-ClaudeSummary:
Quelles sont les étapes de l'apprentissage de la propreté ? Qu'est-ce que la constipation ? Qu'est-ce que mon enfant doit manger pour éviter la constipation ? Comment se traite la constipation ? Qu'est-ce qui cause l'encoprésie ? Est-ce...
- Author:Phaneuf, YvanSummary:
Ce livre est le résultat d’une étude qui porte sur le contenu du cœur masculin et qui a été initiée à partir de la question « Comment et pourquoi, moi, en tant que mâle, je cache mes émotions? » L’auteur s’ouvre à vous avec complicité,...
- Author:Zimmerman, LillianSummary:
With incredible wit, wisdom, and thoughtfulness, author Lillian Zimmerman exposes and challenges pervasive ageist assumptions and stereotypes that continue to permeate society. She offers positive and inspirational messages in response...
- Author:Hollis, RachelSummary:
Mega-bestselling author, teacher and self-help leader Rachel Hollis offers her devoted followers and new readers alike a short guide to seizing difficult moments for the learning experiences they are and finding value in them.
- Author:Thomas, RhysSummary:
Trying to meet everyone else's expectations about the type of role you should play-whether in your job, your family, or society-can leave you constantly striving but ultimately dissatisfied. In this inspiring book, Thomas guides you in...
- Author:Reed, Mary, Ventura, JohnSummary:
Since Divorce For Dummies, 2nd Edition was published in 2005, there have been considerable changes in collaborative divorces, common law marriages, same sex marriages, visitation and even custody laws (from children to pets). Divorce...
- Author:Meyer, JoyceSummary:
Fear is the devil's favorite tool he uses to destroy God's plan for you. Joyce Meyer explains that fear is everywhere and affects everyone. It rules many people, but it doesn't have to rule you any longer.
- Author:Wilson, BradSummary:
Do More, Spend Less is the new road map to winning as a consumer. It's a game plan to get off the default path, turn the tables on the banks, airlines, hotels, cell phone companies and retailers and emerge victorious in the great...
- Author:Headlee, Celeste AnneSummary:
We work feverishly to make ourselves happy. So why are we so miserable? Despite our constant search for new ways to "hack" our bodies and minds for peak performance, human beings are working more instead of less, living harder...
- Author:Acuff, Jonathan M.Summary:
Jon Acuff presents a guide to making big career changes by choice or necessity, and escaping the horrible feeling of being trapped in the wrong job.
- Author:Giglio, LouieSummary:
This audiobook edition features exclusive content including a recording of Louie's sermon that inspired this book; an interview with Jay and Katherine Wolf, the authors of Hope Heals and Suffer Strong; and off-script commentary...
- Author:Bogel, AnneSummary:
We've all been there: stuck in a cycle of what-ifs, plagued by indecision, paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. Nobody wants to live a life of constant overthinking, but it doesn't feel like something we can choose to...
- Author:Powers, PaulSummary:
When it comes to getting a job, the smallest mistake can trip you up. For thirty years Dr. Paul Powers has asked thousands of successful job hunters a few basic but important questions:What do you wish someone had told you when you...
- Author:Durkin, Michael J.Summary:
What every network marketer needs to know about making contacts and booking appointments.
- Author:Danielle, MiaSummary:
Downsizing your home or possessions can be a tough project to finish, or even start. Written by a minimalism expert, this straightforward guide offers actionable advice for specific situations.
- Author:Baron, SpencerSummary:
With the economy spiraling out of control - the increases in stress, pressure, and tension are cause for greater disease and injury. People are desperate to take matters into their own hands just to survive. There is only one area you...
- Author:Goff, BobSummary:
Bob Goff is on a mission to help people recapture the version of their lives they dreamed about before fear started calling the shots. He wants them to dream big. In his revelatory yet utterly practical new audiobook, Bob takes you on a...
- Author:Palmieri, RogerSummary:
By combining compelling prose, thought-provoking quotes and real-life stories with grounding exercises, Dream Big I Dare You: Better Yet I Double Dare You informs, entertains and persuades its readers to take their dreams seriously....