Above All, Be Kind teaches parents how to raise their children to be humane in the broadest sense-to become not only more compassionate in their interactions with family and friends, but to grow up to make life choices that demonstrate...
Self-help publications
- Author:Weil, ZoeSummary:
- Author:Parman, Larry V., Levinson, Jay ConradSummary:
The premise of Above the Fray is that the Information Age is creating a turbulence most business owners fail to acknowledge or take steps to profitably manage. "Above the Fray" offers a method of creating a vision that produces clarity...
- Author:Beshara, TonySummary:
Packed with more than 450 sample questions, "Acing the interview" gives you candid advice on answering even the trickiest and most unexpected interview questions.
- Author:Conwell, Russell H.Summary:
Conwell's manifesto imparts one extraordinary lesson: all the wealth you could ever dream of, search for, or yearn after, in whatever form you wish for, exists right beneath your own feet.
- Author:Summary:
Small things can often mean a great deal. For the past five years readers of the Toronto Star's website have been telling each other that, as they shared their stories in a feature called "Acts of Kindness." The common thread is that a...
- Author:Ryan, M. J.Summary:
Ryan offers strategies to retrain your brain and optimize responses to change. She then describes cutting-edge tools for making your thinking calmer, less fearful, more flexible, creative, and resourceful. Best of all, as your "adapt-...
- Author:Shaw, Brian F., Ritvo, Paul, Irvine, JaneSummary:
Think you have an addiction? This compassionate guide helps you identify the problem and work toward a healthy, realistic approach to recovery, explaining the latest clinical and self-help treatments for both adults and teens. This book...
- Author:Delagrave, MichelSummary:
L'adolescence est une étape de croissance importante accélérée au cours de laquelle le jeune apprend à se passer de plus en plus de ses parents. Devant ce désir croissant d'indépendance et face aux choix de l'adolescent les parents...
- Author:Flanders, CaitSummary:
Flanders offers a trail map to letting go of stories that are no longer serving you, and creating an intentional life that emphasizes the beauty of the natural world, the importance of gaining new perspectives, the joys of real human...
- Author:Lynch, DeniseSummary:
These affirmations are designed to infuse the conscious and subconscious mind with positive new intentions, concepts and perspectives about life and the world at large. Let it play in the background of everyday activities such as...
- Author:Goldbart, Stephen, DiFuria, Joan IndurskySummary:
The authors offer a three-month plan to reassess all aspects of life, achieve goals, and increase enjoyment. Every person has an Affluence Intelligence Quotient (AIQ) that determines both wealth and personal fulfillment. In this...
- Author:Stevens, GeoffSummary:
Maximizing one’s savings is the surest way to guarantee that there is life after taxes. The truly successful investor begins with careful tax planning, which must never be a last-minute scramble in the dreadful month of March or worse...
- Author:Shrager, Lynda G.Summary:
Filled with clear and practical solutions, this step-by-step, room-by-room guide to simple home modifications helps seniors make their homes safer and easier to navigate. Lynda Shrager is a registered board-certified occupational...
- Author:Bourcier, SylvieSummary:
Des parents s’inquiètent se sentent impuissants et parfois même coupables devant les manifestations agressives de leur enfant. Or il faut bien distinguer l’agressivité normalecelle qui bien canalisée permet l’affirmation ledépassement...
- Author:Hay, Louise L. , Khadro, Ahlea, Dane, HeatherSummary:
L’auteure à succès Louise Hay a transformé la vie des gens durant des dizaines d’années en leur enseignant à se libérer des croyances limitatives. Louise fait aujourd’hui équipe avec ses spécialistes personnelles en santé et en...
- Author:Norman, DavidSummary:
Alcohemy offers real, practical advice and a proven solution to those struggling with an alcohol habit. It reveals the extent of the problems alcohol causes globally and the resulting human suffering. David Norman describes how he...
- Author:Hershey, Robert L.Summary:
Written in a lighthearted and humorous style, this comprehensive guide is ideal for the general reader with little math experience who wants to understand the concepts underlying everyday financial decisions. Organized for easy...
- Author:Voisin, GailSummary:
Achieving outstanding personal and organizational success in our busy, competitive, chaotic — yet very exciting — world requires a unique, leading-edge set of skills for 21st-century executives and leaders. It is critical for them to...
- Author:Jenkins, Emma MaeSummary:
Young women are under more pressure than ever before: pressure to be pretty, to be successful, to have a perfect selfie game. Is it possible for them to be their true selves? Or must they fit into the same mold as the rest of their...
- Author:Lamott, AnneSummary:
From Anne Lamott, the New York Times-bestselling author of Help, Thanks, Wow, comes the book we need from her now: How to bring hope back into our lives. A perfect gift to give this holiday season."I am stockpiling antibiotics for...