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Dystopian fiction

  • Author:
    Vinet, Jean-François

    Au lendemain de la Grande Révolution, le chaos règne partout. Alors que l'inquiétude grandit au sein de la communauté scientifique, les éléments se déchaînent, engendrant des conséquences qui dépassent l'entendement...

  • Author:
    Strickland, Adrianne

    When Tavin Barnes escaped Eden City with Khaya, the Word of Life, he became a most-wanted fugitive overnight. But he never expected his flight would end with the ultimate curse: becoming the next Word of Death. Now he's a prisoner...

  • Author:
    Strickland, Adrianne

    When Tavin Barnes escaped Eden City with Khaya, the Word of Life, he became a most-wanted fugitive overnight. But he never expected his flight would end with the ultimate curse: becoming the next Word of Death. Now he’s a prisoner...

  • Author:
    Nolan, William F., Johnson, George Clayton

    It's the 23rd Century and at age 21... your life is over! Logan-6 has been trained to kill; born and bred from conception to be the best of the best. But his time is short and before his life ends he's got one final mission: Find and...

  • Author:
    Benson, Robert Hugh

    Secular humanism has triumphed. Everything the late Victorians believed would bring human happiness has been achieved, but what has been created is a sterile world of crass materialism. And now it is only a small and shrinking...

  • Author:
    MacIntyre, Wendy

    Wendy MacIntyre creates a fictional dystopian world so dark that her characters’ chances of survival look next to impossible. When art-lover Lucia finds her most precious possession destroyed, she resolves finally to abandon The City....

  • Author:
    Lavoie, Pierre-Olivier

    Le monde est viré à l’enfer. Tout ce que nous connaissons a été infecté et transformé en un véritable fléau. La nuit, des créatures ailées et cauchemardesques prennent les bâtisses comme perchoir. Dans les rues, les infectés se ruent en...

  • Author:
    Malerman, Josh

    Struggling still twelve years after she and her children rowed up the river to safety, Malorie receives impossible news that leave her with a difficult decision to make: to live by the rules of survival that have kept them alive or...

  • Author:
    Trinetti, Paul A.

    This is a story of a future America. Moving between the government bureaucracy of Washington and a farming town called Vexton, MANUFRACTURED tells the story of a politically divided country in search of the true meaning of life, twenty-...

  • Author:
    Lieffe, Otter

    Characters typically absent from mainstream fiction take centre stage in this action packed story, bringing their fabulous complexity to the front-lines. After the economic crises of the 2020s, a corner of Europe known only as the State...

  • Author:
    Mehrotra, Rati

    Kyra is the youngest Markswoman in the Order of Kali, a highly trained sisterhood of elite warriors armed with telepathic blades. Guided by a strict code of conduct, Kyra and the other Orders are sworn to protect the people of Asiana....

  • Author:
    Wells, H. G.

    In the summer of 1921, a disenchanted journalist escapes the rat race for a drive in the country. But Mr. Barnstaple's trip exceeds his expectations when he and other motorists are swept 3,000 years into the future. The inadvertent...

  • Author:
    Charles-Etienne Ferland

    Près d'un an s'est écoulé depuis la « fin » du monde. Vie misérable, chaos et désolation sont le lot des survivants. Jack quitte Mont- réal pour rejoindre Main Duck Island où sa famille se serait réfugiée, mais la route lui réserve bien...

  • Author:
    Collins, Suzanne

    The greatly anticipated final book in the New York Times bestselling Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The greatly anticipated final book in the New York Times bestselling Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The Capitol is...

  • Author:
    Rice, Waubgeshig

    It's been over a decade since a mysterious cataclysm caused a permanent blackout that toppled infrastructure and thrust the world into anarchy. Evan Whitesky led his community in remote northern Ontario off the rez and into the bush,...

  • Author:
    Trinetti, Paul A.

    A future America in crisis. Moon Shade Bluff tells the story of a country in internal revolt. Having survived a plot to overtake the government in Manufractured (Book 1), the Westgale Administration finds itself mired in new conflicts,...

  • Author:
    Eldridge, J. J.

    Self-Sacrifice to Save the Planet. The year is 2065. Following a freak encounter with a mysterious woman, Brian, a bored and frustrated dentist in the midst of a personal crisis, finds himself in the position to expose a conspiracy to...

  • Author:
    Wenstrom, E. J.

    Torn apart by war and abandoned by the gods, only one hope remains to save humanity. But the savior isn’t human at all. Trapped by his Maker’s command to protect a mysterious box, Adem is forced to kill anyone who tries to steal it....

  • Author:
    Jenkins, Jennifer

    Four clans have been at war for centuries: the Kodiak, the Raven, the Wolf, and the Ram. Through brutal war tactics, the Ram have dominated the region, inflicting death and destruction on their neighbors. Seventeen-year-old Zo is a Wolf...

  • Author:
    Ing, Graeme

    A primeval fiend is loose in the ancient metropolis of Malkandrah, intent on burning it to a wasteland. The city's leaders stand idly by, and the sorcerers that once protected the people are long gone. Maldren, a young necromancer, is...


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