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Juvenile fiction

  • Auteur:
    Oppel, Kenneth

    Dusk, the world's first bat, must lead his colony to safety in a time of changing species.

  • Auteur:
    Sutherland, Tui T.

    Three dragons. One unavoidable, unpredictable destiny. This is the beginning... of the end.In the SeaWing kingdom, a young prince learns he is an animus — capable of wonderful magic that comes with a terrible price.In the mind of a NightWing dragonet, a thousand futures unfold — and almost all of them, she knows, lead to disaster and destruction. And under three full moons and the watchful eyes of his NightWing mother and IceWing father, the most powerful dragon Pyrhhia will ever know is clawing his way out of his egg. Darkstalker, the dragon who will change the world forever. Long before the SandWing war, lifetimes before the Dragonet Prophecy... darkness is born.

  • Auteur:
    Hunter, Erin

    ThunderClan's loyal deputy, Squirrelflight, must seek the identity of the cat ruling ThunderClan, while wearing Bramblestar's face. Meanwhile, the real Bramblestar's spirit has vanished. Can Squirrelflight ensure that Bramblestar has a body to return to, if he returns at all?

  • Auteur:
    Sutherland, Tui T.

    Qibli knows Darkstalker must be stopped. And he knows he could stop him — if he had magic. With even a sliver of the ancient dragon's all-powerful scroll, Qibli could rewrite history the right way: end war forever; make every dragon happy; perhaps even cast a very small spell so that everyone would like him . . .Instead, as Darkstalker's dangerous influence spreads across Pyrrhia, entrancing or killing every dragon in the seven tribes, Qibli can only grasp the small animus objects he's borrowed from Turtle. With some clever thinking, Qibli's talons finally hold the power to make a difference. But prophecies are not easy to rewrite. Can Qibli be the magical force Pyrrhia needs, or will he be the one to bring Jade Mountain — and his family, his friends, his whole world — crashing down?

  • Auteur:
    Thompson, Kim

    As spring comes to Eldritch Manor, Willa deals with the King of the Fairies, a terrifying creature, and the usual family drama. Spring comes to Eldritch Manor, bringing with it all kinds of mayhem. The arrival of the King of the Fairies throws the resident fairies into a romantic tizzy. Mab neglects her knitting, resulting in holes in time through which any manner of evil can enter their world. Nature, weather, and time itself are all out of whack, and everyone is freaked about Willa’s upcoming “unlucky” thirteenth birthday. On top of everything, Willa makes a shocking discovery about her mother, which supports Belle’s claim that Willa is part mermaid! Willa is plagued with questions. How can she be a mermaid if she doesn’t have a tail and is terrified of water? How long do dragons hibernate? Why are there time holes in the pool, and where do they lead? Why are the backyard plants invading the house? And why does she keep dreaming about a sinister Green Man?

  • Auteur:
    Cronin, Doreen

    The Chicken Squad is back for their fourth (mis)adventure, and this time they're facing their darkest mystery yet: shadows! A hilarious, "easy to read" (Booklist) chapter book from the bestselling author of Click, Clack, Moo and The Trouble with Chickens. There's a big, SHADOWY, mystery lurking about on what was supposed to be a nice chicken-family vacation to a farm. Sugar is certain that she is being watched, and when Poppy's beloved shoe (the shoe that keeps her safe and snug) goes missing, Sugar is sure that this shadow is the culprit. But how does the Chicken Squad tackle a shadow? And do it without ruining the family reunion.which includes meeting eighty-five cousins whose names all begin with the letter B, a lesson on figuring out perimeters (no, Sugar, the perimeter of a car is not one mile), and deciding how many bags of jellybeans one should pack for a road trip?

  • Auteur:
    Sutherland, Tui T.

    In the shadows, trouble is brewing. . .The mysterious NightWings keep everything hidden, from their home and their queen to their allegiance in the war. Now they've kidnapped their own dragonet of destiny, and Starflight is finally meeting the rest of his tribe — whether he wants to or not.The NightWings have also kidnapped several innocent RainWings, now trapped in the dark, barren, miserable place that is the NightWing kingdom. Starflight wants to help the RainWings, but he's busy saving his own scales and trying to find a way back to his friends. The fate of two kingdoms rests in his talons, and with no one to save him, Starflight will have to find a way to be brave . . . before it's too late.

  • Auteur:
    Dempsey, Catherine

    Key Selling Points - A young girl and her grandmother work together to set up her first beehive. Simple, straightforward information about beekeeping and the importance of bees to the environment. A gentle story that celebrates intergenerational sharing of knowledge.The author is an experienced beekeeper and former teacher with a passion for sharing knowledge. The illustrator's most recent book included on the Globe and Mail's top 100 books of 2020. The author is a member of a large international community of women beekeepers. Includes "bee facts" and a few bee jokes/puns as well.&nbsp&nbspDempsey, debut author and past president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Beekeeping Association, opens the buzzy world of beekeeping to young readers.&nbsp&nbspNature is a wise teacher, and Daphne's Bees offers a crash course in teamwork, conservation, and caring for your community.&nbsp&nbspBursting with information, this book is a gentle story that celebrates the bond between a young girl and her grandmother, while also conveying the genuine awe and wonder the bees enkindle in both beekeepers. [...] Veselina Tomova's vibrantly hued and richly textured illustrations magnificently depict Daphne's excitement as well as the intricate world of the bees and the hive. Lush and light-infused, the images bring to life the beauty of the landscape and capture a sense of quiet joy.

  • Auteur:
    Francoeur, Catherine

    "Moi, c'est Annabelle. Je suis aussi Anna, sur le web, mais ça c'est un secret que personne (ou presque) ne connaît. J'ai créé mon blogue,, pour y raconter des choses pas mal plus trépidantes que ce qui se passe dans ma vraie vie. Et pour la première fois, j'ai l'impression qu'enfin on me remarque. J'ai de plus en plus de lecteurs, de likes et de commentaires. Moi qui rêve depuis toujours d'avoir un blogue populaire, je n'en reviens pas encore ! Sauf que, au moment où je commence à en profiter, à m'élever un peu au-dessus de mon quotidien ordinaire, il se passe quelque chose d'étrange et de très inquiétant... Un lecteur anonyme a découvert mon identité et menace de la dévoiler. Ce qui serait CA-TAS-TRO-PHI-QUE. Mais comment vais-je faire pour me sortir de ça ? Qui es-tu, Anonyme03 ?"

  • Auteur:
    Francoeur, Catherine

    "J'ai 14 ans. À l'école, je suis «?la gentille Annabelle?», la fille qui ne monte jamais le ton, qui n'a jamais rien de spécial à raconter et qu'on ne remarque pas trop. À la maison, entre ma grande sœur qui réussit à peu près tout et mon petit frère qui est le chouchou de mon père juste parce qu'il joue au hockey, je suis transparente. Quand on a envie de raconter des choses passionnantes mais qu'on a une vie plate, il vaut mieux inventer la vie dont on rêve. C'est pour ça que j'ai créé Ce que j'écris sur mon blog, c'est la vie que j'aimerais ­vraiment avoir?! (Et puis, si je n'en parle à personne, ça ne peut pas vraiment mal tourner, n'est-ce pas??)"

  • Auteur:
    Fagan, Cary

    Finalist for the 2014 Silver Birch Express Award. Danny finds himself stranded at the bottom of a giant construction hole, armed with nothing but his school backpack, his wits — and the company of a poetry-spouting mole… Danny’s parents have always been a bit flaky, but this time they have gone too far. Now his mother wants to bake cheesecakes in the mountains, and his father wants to be an opera singer. That means Danny and his older brother will spend half the year in Banff (wherever that is) and half the year in New York City. Worst of all, in preparation for the big move, his parents have given away the family dog, Thwack. Furious with his family, Danny runs out of the house and keeps running — straight onto a construction site, where he ends up at the bottom of a very, very large hole. When it appears that help is not immediately forthcoming, he settles in for the short haul, like a subterranean Robinson Crusoe. Drawing on his ingenuity, he provides himself with shelter (garbage bag and paper clips), cereal (coffee creamer, rainwater, granola bars and a few rogue raisins found at the bottom of his backpack) and a washroom (a hole in a hole). He even does his homework! The only thing missing is a Man Friday. Who turns out to have a long, earth-covered snout, a taste for beetles, and no eyes to speak of. Oh, and he also talks. His name is Mole, and he is excellent company — until a snake appears, and Danny must be not only ingenious, but also brave, if he is going to save his new friend.

  • Auteur:
    Dahl, Roald

    Danny et son père sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils habitent tous les deux dans une roulotte à côté de leur petit garage. Du haut de ses 10 ans, Danny est déjà expert en mécanique et adore qu'on lui raconte des histoires. Mais il va découvrir que la nuit son père se transforme en... braconnier hors pair ! Pour donner une leçon à Victor Hazel, l'odieux châtelain, père et fils planifient le plus gros coup de filet jamais organisé dans l'histoire du braconnage!

  • Auteur:
    Krensky, Stephen

    In 1778, ten-year-old Johnny Adams and his father make a dangerous mid-winter voyage from Massachusetts to Paris in hopes of gaining support for the colonies during the American Revolution.

  • Auteur:
    Wishinsky, Frieda, Griffiths, Dean

    Since discovering the Canadian Flyer, a magical time-traveling sled, in Emily’s attic, Matt and Emily have met fearsome pirates in Frobisher Bay. In Danger, Dinosaurs!, Emily and Matt are off to the Cretaceous period in the Alberta Badlands to fulfill every child’s fantasy of getting up close with a dinosaur. Maiasaura, Lambeosaurus, and T-rex, oh my! In this, the second book in the popular Canadian Flyer Adventures series, author Frieda Wishinsky weaves well-researched and accurate historical facts into her compelling, kid-friendly storytelling, while Dean Griffith’s evocative illustrations situate readers perfectly in place and time. At the end of their adventure, Emily and Matt share additional facts about dinosaurs and dinosaur hunters, and Wishinsky gives additional facts here too, in an informative Q&A format.

  • Auteur:
    Paulsen, Gary

    When the camp van crashes into a raging river, Daniel has some tough choices to make. He could save himself, or risk everything in an attempt to save his campmates who have made fun of him from the beginning.

  • Auteur:
    Patterson, James, Grabenstein, Chris, Grabenstein, Chris

    Bick Kidd and his globe-trotting siblings set out to rescue their kidnapped mother from some nasty pirates. Their journey that takes them down the Nile River, where they must navigate everything from Egyptian pyramids to wet-and-wild jungles in order to save the day.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, Sara Florence

    The invitations have been sent. The food has been prepared. The decorations have been hung. And now the day of the potlatch has finally arrived! Guests from all over come to witness this bittersweet but joyful celebration of Haida culture and community.

  • Auteur:
    Coates, Jan L.

    When he finds a photograph of his grandfather as a young man, Liam is full of questions. But that's just fine, because Grampy has a story to spin with every answer. On a fall day in 1962, he tells Liam, he had a run in with a nasty girl in search of a dance partner: Daisy was her name. What follows is a tall tale about Grampy's tango with a hurricane, and all those signs of aging--the wrinkles, the stooped back, the croaky voice, the false teeth--can be chalked up to Daisy's persistence and Grampy's refusal to dance. Of course, it takes a talking to from Nana to get that Daisy to blow off elsewhere.

  • Auteur:
    Little, Jean

    Foster child Min Randall's life is not easy as she has to deal with a number of foster parents and Children's Aid, but things take a turn for the better when she finds an injured dog.

  • Auteur:
    Spalding, Andrea

    Chantel, Adam, Holly and Owen are eager to begin the next stage of their adventure. "The Stones have stirred," Ava, Hawkwoman and Wise One, tell Owen, "The time is near for the Circle Dance." The stones are the ancient stone circle of Avebury in England. But the Dark Being approaches, and her servant, a wraith, blocks the children’s progress. When Ava is hurt, the children are thrown back on their own resources. They must discover the ritual that will release the circlet. Each child has a part to play in finding the circlet and holding back the Dark Being.


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