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Juvenile fiction

  • Auteur:
    Silverman, Erica

    Cowgirl Kate and her cow horse, Cocoa, discover what it means to work, play, and be together--rain or shine.

  • Auteur:
    Silverman, Erica

    Cocoa the horse herds the cows with Cowgirl Kate, helps her practice her roping skills, and wishes he could wear boots instead of horseshoes.

  • Auteur:
    Silverman, Erica

    Cowgirl Kate and her cowhorse Cocoa, who is always hungry, count cows, share a story, and help each other fall asleep.

  • Auteur:
    Halvorson, Marilyn

    When Shane Morgan's father is late returning to their ranch in Alberta after making a delivery in Montana, Shane decides to go looking for him, even though his only vehicle is a truck in bad condition and he has no driver's license.

  • Auteur:
    Doyle, Brian

    Winner of the Governor General's Award and the Mr. Christie's Book Award. In this award-winning paean to country life we find Hubbo O'Driscoll, whom we first met in Easy Avenue, now living in the lower Gatineau with his guardian aunt and uncle. When the local covered bridge -- home to a wayward ghost and her lovelorn postman -- is threatened by development, Hubbo must devise a strategy to save it.

  • Auteur:
    Garon, Philippe

    Ben se réveille en sursaut. Dans sa ville, la plus laide, la plus noire, la plus sale des villes, un train a déraillé. Tout brule! Vite, Ben installe son père dans sa poussette et tente de sortir du brasier. Dans sa fuite, il repère un oiseau blanc qui semble lui faire signe… Décidé à tenter le tout pour le tout, Ben choisit de faire confiance à la corneille, et lui emboîte le pas.

  • Auteur:
    Crysdale, Joy

    Ten biographies of women reformers from around the world who have made a difference in the realms of politics, social equality, disability, and women’s rights. From the work of abolitionist Sojourner Truth and women like South Africa’s anti-apartheid activist Ruth First and America’s feminist leader Gloria Steinem. Also included are Michelle Douglas, a campaigner for lesbian and gay rights, and Temple Grandin, advocate for the rights of animals and a woman who has revolutionized the way the world looks at people with autism. The collection of biographies is rounded out with the stories of France’s Olympe de Gouges, India’s Sarojini Naidu, American Joan Baez, and Canadians Leilani Muir and Shannen Koostachin.

  • Auteur:
    Conklin, Melanie

    Newbery-winning Rules meets Counting by 7s in this affecting story of a girl’s devotion to her brother and what it means to be home When eleven-year-old Thyme Owens’ little brother, Val, is accepted into a new cancer drug trial, it’s just the second chance that he needs. But it also means the Owens family has to move to New York, thousands of miles away from Thyme’s best friend and everything she knows and loves. The island of Manhattan doesn’t exactly inspire new beginnings, but Thyme tries to embrace the change for what it is: temporary. After Val’s treatment shows real promise and Mr. Owens accepts a full-time position in the city, Thyme has to face the frightening possibility that the move to New York is permanent. Thyme loves her brother, and knows the trial could save his life—she’d give anything for him to be well—but she still wants to go home, although the guilt of not wanting to stay is agonizing. She finds herself even more mixed up when her heart feels the tug of new friends, a first crush, and even a crotchety neighbor and his sweet whistling bird. All Thyme can do is count the minutes, the hours, and days, and hope time can bring both a miracle for Val and a way back home. With equal parts heart and humor, Melanie Conklin’s debut is a courageous and charming story of love and family—and what it means to be counted.

  • Auteur:
    Jeff Szpirglas

    30 dangerous paths. 30 minutes to escape. YOU choose the path to survive!

    Back with even more danger and daring, and a dash of fun, this fourth installment of the choose-your-own-path series features serious survival scenarios, Canadian style!

    You begin your quest for survival stranded in the Rockies with an injured guide. You quickly find out she's not who she appears to be. Is she a friend or foe? And what's with that secret compound in the dam? The danger escalates . . . the dam is sabotaged . . . what should you do? Choose wrongly and be beaten by mutant beavers, roiled by raging rapids, squashed by a sasquatch, razed by a rockslide or worse! Choose well - help the mutant animals, trust your instincts with the bomb, grab that extra paddle - and make it out of the woods alive.

  • Auteur:
    Leach, Sara

    Twelve-year-old Tabitha is less than thrilled when her parents send her on a hiking trip with her cousins, Ashley and Cedar, and her Aunt Tess. For one thing, she's not much of a hiker. And she's pretty sure her cousins hate her. But even Ashley can't blame Tabitha for everything that goes wrong: the weather turns ugly, a bear comes into the cabin, Ashley and Tess are injured and Max, the family's beloved dog, disappears. When rescue finally arrives, Tabitha realizes that she is no longer the timid, out-of-shape girl she used to be. She's become strong, resourceful and brave in the face of adversity-no matter what form it takes.

  • Auteur:
    McDowell, Pamela, Charko, Kasia

    When Cricket McKay and her best friend, Shilo, discover that a cougar has been seen in the town of Waterton, they are thrilled that school closes for a few days as a precaution. The townspeople are worried though. They want the cougar caught and relocated, which could be disastrous for the cougar. Cricket's dad, the national park's warden, is receiving reports of the cougar causing all kinds of trouble around town, but it's the type of trouble it doesn't make sense for a cougar to get into. Then Cricket and Shilo find evidence that another animal may be to blame. With the help of a visiting researcher who is in Waterton studying cougar behavior, Cricket and Shilo must convince the townspeople, and Cricket's dad, that they're after the the wrong animal before it's too late. This is the fourth title featuring Cricket and her friends, following Bats in Trouble, Ospreys in Danger and Salamander Rescue.

  • Auteur:
    Lawson, Julie

    Eleven-year-old Sam's first visit to the remote west coast of Vancouver Island is nothing like she'd expected. Her older cousins tease "the city kid" mercilessly, when they're not ignoring her altogether. She often finds herself left to her own devices. Still, the woods and beaches around Brackenwood Point offer plenty of room to explore. Then, one day, Sam comes face-to-face with a wild cougar and her two cubs, and her summer vacation suddenly gets much more exciting.

  • Auteur:
    Gaiman, Neil

    Looking for excitement, Coraline ventures through a mysterious door into a world that is similar, yet disturbingly different from her own, where she must challenge a gruesome entity in order to save herself, her parents, and the souls of three others.

  • Auteur:
    Souders, Taryn

    Windy Bottom, Georgia, is usually a peaceful place. Coop helps his mom at her café and bookstore, hangs out with his grandpa, and bikes around with his friends Justice and Liberty. The town is full of all kinds of interesting people, but no one has ever caused a problem...until now. And somehow, Gramps is taking all the blame! It seems like there are a lot of secrets that were buried in their small town after all...Will Coop and his friends get to the bottom of the mystery and clear Gramps's name before it's too late?

  • Auteur:
    Amos, Shawn

    Eleven-year-old Ellis Johnson has the summertime blues. He dreamed of spending the summer of 1976 hanging out with friends, listening to music, and playing his harmonica. Instead, he'll be sleeping on a lumpy pullout in Dad's sad little post-divorce bungalow and helping bring Dad's latest far-fetched, sure-to-fail idea to life: opening the world's first chocolate chip cookie store.

  • Auteur:
    Moore, Stuart, Lee, Stan

    When twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, an Asian American teenager is thrown into the middle of an epic global chase. He'll have to master strange powers, outrun super-powered mercenaries, and ultimately unlock the hidden secrets of the Zodiac Legacy.

  • Auteur:
    Perdican, Camille

    "Gardenblock. La mission de Miss Rosalie était simple : planter une pomme de pin magique et faire pousser un arbre de Noël en 21 jours pour émerveiller les enfants. Mais cette année-là, la ville de Gardenblock allait lui donner du souci. Durée : 16 min Grand-père Ernest. À Noël, un vœu tenu bien au chaud dans votre poitrine peut se réaliser. Ce que Gaétan souhaite le plus au monde, c'est de retrouver son grand-père Ernest. Durée : 18 min Il était une fois. Gaspar avait entendu dire à l'école que le père Noël ne distribuait les cadeaux qu'en passant par la cheminée. Mais lui vivait en appartement… Durée : 8 min Il y a de cela très très longtemps. Élise surveillait le ciel. Elle ne pouvait imaginer Noël sans la neige et attendait en vain que les précieux flocons se décident à tomber. Peut-être que le mystérieux et inquiétant Doc Corbeau pourrait exaucer son souhait ? Durée : 8 min Le fils de l'ogresse. Tom n'avait rien d'un petit ogre, au grand désespoir de sa maman. Alors, elle voulut passer un marché : elle lui offrirait ce qu'il désire le plus au monde et en échange, il devrait se comporter comme un ogre digne de ce nom ! Durée : 9 min Ce dragon d'Auguste. Auguste était un petit garçon jamais content, toujours ronchon. Il aimait les dragons et désirait en posséder un vrai. Mais attention : son vœu pourrait bien se réaliser malgré lui à la veille de Noël ! Durée : 12 min".

  • Auteur:
    Nayet, Bertrand

    CONTES DE FILS ET D’EAUX est le résultat d’un projet de résidence et de création initié par l’Alliance Française du Manitoba et La Maison Gabrielle-Roy. Il associe, d’une part, Bertrand Nayet, auteur et illustrateur manitobain et, d’autre part, Eveline Ménard, conteuse, musicienne et fileuse québécoise. Ce projet a réuni les deux artistes pour créer des histoires qui sont publiées dans ce recueil de contes oralisés et illustrés.

  • Auteur:
    Olson, K. C.

    Introduces numbers and subtraction as the reader counts construction equipment from ten to one.

  • Auteur:
    Sutton, Sally

    Big machines and their drivers work together to build a library.


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