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Canadian fiction

  • Auteur:
    Saint-Pierre, Éliane

    On a prédit un destin exceptionnel à Yändicha, une belle Huronne du Canada, passionnée de danse et éprise de liberté. Lors d'un spectacle à Québec, Etienne Gallois, le directeur d'une troupe de théâtre, remarque l'étonnant talent de la beauté sauvage. La naïve et romantique Yändicha se laissera convaincre par cet homme charmant, un Français ayant fui la Révolution, de l'accompagner dans son pays. Là-bas, son exotisme enchanterait assurément les foules qui ne demandent qu'à retrouver leur joie de vivre au lendemain d'un épisode sanglant de leur histoire. Cependant, les rêves de la jeune Amérindienne se heurteront rapidement à la dure réalité. Désillusionnée et victime de gens malhonnêtes, elle sera réduite à se débrouiller seule dans cette contrée étrangère. Trouvera-t elle le moyen de traverser de nouveau l'Atlantique pour regagner sa terre natale ? Sa tribu lui pardonnera-t-elle d'avoir trahi ses origines et les siens ?

  • Auteur:
    Petriw, Myroslav

    Winner of the 2002 Anna Pidruchney Award For New Writers On a visit to Ukraine to retrieve a family heirloom secretly buried by his grandfather during the Second World War, Yaroslaw, a Ukrainian-Canadian university student, stumbles into a world full of spies and secret organizations, peril and political intrigue. His discovery of the hidden cache yields clues to the location of a fabled lost treasure-the greatest in all Europe. Working against time, Yaroslaw and a small band of accomplices struggle to uncover and save a nation’s heritage, operating in secret to prevent the corrupt leaders of the government and the Russians-from stealing it. Yaroslaw’s Treasure is a thrilling suspense story set against the gripping drama of the Orange Revolution, the 2004 popular uprising that saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in Ukraine to overthrow a corrupt government and reinforce democracy in a land long occupied by repressive and foreign regimes. Rich with history, romance, politics, and danger, Yaroslaw’s Treasure superbly captures the wonders and horrors of Ukraine’s past, swirls through the treacherous currents of its present politics, all the while providing entertainment as a first-rate thriller.

  • Auteur:
    Pasquella, A.G.

    Honourable ex-con Jack Palace struggles to repay an unstable criminal who saved his life. What does a man do when he gets out of jail? Jack Palace hits the streets, plunging back into a violent world of crime and corruption. Jack wants out, but first he must repay his debt to Tommy, the man who saved his life in prison. Tommy’s dad, an old school mob boss, is on his deathbed, and Tommy wants to take over the old man’s rackets. Jack and his new girlfriend, Suzanne, are soon caught in the middle of a mob war. Now Jack must fight to defend the people he loves from the man he has sworn to protect while he tries to get out of the criminal life alive.

  • Auteur:
    Tucker, Aaron

    J. Robert Oppenheimer: reluctant father of the atomic bomb, enthusiastic lover of books, devoted husband and philanderer. Engaging with the books he voraciously read, and especially the Bhagavad Gita, his moral compass, this lyrical novel takes us through his story, from his tumultuous youth to his marriage with a radical communist and the two secret, consuming affairs he carried on, all the while bringing us deep inside the mind of the man behind the Manhattan Project. With the stunning backdrop of Los Alamos, New Mexico, Oppenheimer's spiritual home, and using progressively shorter chapters that shape into an inward spiral, Y brings us deep inside the passions and moral qualms of this man with pacifist, communist leanings as he created and tested the world's first weapon of mass destruction– and, in the process, changed the world we live in immeasurably.

  • Auteur:
    Roy, Joëlle

    «C’est l’air de fin d’été qui me donne les blues. La plupart des jeunes venus travailler en Huronie pour la saison estivale sont repartis et la région prend un coup de vieux. Je prends un coup de vieux. Moi, je reste, car c’est fini le temps des jobs d’été. J’ai une vraie job. C’est plus qu’un boulot, c’est une mission ! Responsable du Musée de la francophonie qui va ouvrir à l’hiver. Une première dans la région. Holy Smoke ! Ça devrait plutôt être un vieux de la quarantaine qui prend une telle charge et non un jeune taon de vingt-sept ans qui entame sa première vraie job. Le pire, c’est que par moments, je suis convaincu que mes patrons ne se rendent absolument pas compte de la gravité de mettre une culture en boîte. Si c’est pas fait avec doigté, l’hommage risque d’être vu comme un enterrement. En plus, le musée fait partie d’une chaîne de six musées lancée à travers la province. C’est pas rien ! C’est un moment historique dans l’histoire franco-ontarienne.»

  • Auteur:
    Szpirglas, Jeff

    Leo's penchant for exploring lands him in trouble at school until he uses his mapping skills on a class field trip to prove he really can be responsible.

  • Auteur:
    Unwin, Peter

    Paul Prescot’s desire to catalogue and comprehend the aboriginal rock paintings of the Canadian Shield is told through the eyes of the woman he loves, and who, for her own reasons, accompanies him on his travels to the deep north. Her journeys with her husband, and then alone, returning to the north shore of Lake Superior to commend his ashes to the water, draw her deeper into a history that, while foreign to them both, seems to offer a meaningful alternative to a world that has gone wrong.
    Peter Unwin turns his unique talents to a story that lies at the heart of this country and to the crucial issue of our times. Written in Stone maps the exhilarating and ultimately tragic consequences of one man’s commitment to the land of his birth, a land whose deep and unwritten past is outside the reach of his understanding. Written in Stone goes beyond the surface acknowledgments of settler impacts, and exists on the border of two solitudes, where the known and unknown cannot be separated, where mythology and reality are one, and where an old and inaccessible knowledge holds the means to a possible reconciliation.

  • Auteur:
    Wilson, John

    Set in the harsh desert world of the Arizona Territory and northern Mexico during the 1870s, Written in Blood follows young Jim Doolen as he attempts to find some trace of the father who abandoned his family ten years earlier. As he travels through a scorched landscape very different from the lush West Coast forests of his home, Jim crosses paths with an assortment of intriguing characters, including an Apache warrior, a cave-dwelling mystic, an old Mexican revolutionary and a mysterious cowboy. And with each encounter he learns something more of the strange world he has entered and adds one more link in a chain that leads back to his father-and back to a dark, violent past. As his story approaches its thrilling conclusion in a ruined Mexican hacienda, Jim comes to realize that his father's life was much more complex than he had imagined, and that, in discovering his past, he has opened the way to his future.

  • Auteur:
    Kuby, Lolette

    Wanted: One man of average height, well-muscled but not ironclad, neither overly or underly handsome, with more body hair than a baby's behind but less than a gorilla, hefty penis, charge not too easily discharged, good mind, good sense of humour and humouring, joyful spirit, for a relationship of indeterminate time with a recently divorced woman who misses it.

    Meet a world of offbeat characters in pursuit of love. Writing Personals is a funny, intellectual, raunchy, and sweet novel that takes aim at contemporary mating practices, middle-class values, and marriage for love as the glue of society. This is a quirky book in the vein of Tristram Shandy.

  • Auteur:
    Canton, Licia

    Writing Our Way Home is an important contribution to literary studies. “Italian-Canadian writers are not just Canadian writers, but world writers,” states literary critic Elena Lamberti in the introduction to Writing Our Way Home. “They write from Canada with an original point of view on multiple (hybrid) identities and have something to tell the whole world …” A unique volume of creative and critical texts, Writing Our Way Home features contributors from Canada, Italy and the United States: Annalisa Bonomo, John Calabro, Michele Campanini, Licia Canton, Maria Giuseppina Cesari, Pietro Corsi, Domenic Cusmano, Marisa De Franceschi, Mike Dell'Aquila, Alberto Mario DeLogu, Delia De Santis, Gil Fagiani, Nino Famà, Venera Fazio, Frank Giorno, Gabriella Iacobucci, Elena Lamberti, Maria Lisella, Ernesto Livorni, Darlene Madott, Michael Mirolla, Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni, Linda Morra, Oriana Palusci, Gianna Patriarca, Maria Cristina Seccia, Maria Tognan, Osvaldo Zappa, Jim Zucchero.

  • Auteur:
    Story, Kate

    Wrecked Upon This Shore is a bold new novel from Kate Story that follows and will build upon the success of her critically-acclaimed debut Blasted. At the novel's centre is Pearl Lewis: abused by her father at a young age, she is wild, charismatic, and damaged.The story moves back and forth in time. We follow Pearl through the eyes of her adult son Stephen, but also from the viewpoint of Mouse, the girl she befriends and falls in love with as a teenager. Mandy, christened Mouse by the seductive, aggressive Pearl, had a relatively sheltered upbringing in Newfoundland. But when Mouse falls for Pearl, the affair changes her life. In the end, Mouse loses almost everything when Pearl leaves her; in fact, Pearl is pregnant when Mouse learns the affair is over.

  • Auteur:
    Dickinson, Mary Lou

    After ten years of marriage, Sue and Jerry would say they know everything about each other. But each harbours a significant secret. When Jerry becomes ill and it’s apparent he’s dying, Sue visits a psychic, Hans, who tells her there is someone like a son in her life. She dismisses this, but at Jerry’s funeral his son turns up—a son Sue didn’t know existed.  At first Sue feels betrayed by Jerry, but gradually she accepts her own complicity. And she regrets never telling him, or anyone else, about the baby girl she gave up for adoption when she herself was only sixteen. Encouraged by Hans and a relative of Jerry’s, Sue starts looking for her daughter and relying more on Hans, who is also struggling with troubles in his own marriage. The novel deals with family secrets, social issues, relationships, and psychic insight. It confronts what happened when pregnancies were kept secret many years ago, what happens when mother and birth child look for and either find, or do not find, each other. It also explores the reality of family secrets, huge issues that are kept quiet under the veneer of polite society and that affect the individuals and families involved for lifetimes, even generations. The novel also raises the question of who is family and how do we create one.

  • Auteur:
    Campbell, Melodie

    Jennie has been a widow for two years. Her twelve-year-old son thinks it's about time she started dating, and so does her best friend, Angela. So with Angela's help, Jennie signs up to an online dating site. Within hours, she has several dates lined up for the week. Surely there will be one Prince Charming in the bunch. And if not, it's only one date, right? How bad could it be?

  • Auteur:
    Petersen, Alice

    An old record player; an unposted letter; a pearl necklace never purchased; a badly written poem from the woman you love: tokens, gifts, and objects lost or left behind, desired or not wanted at all are the starting points for the stories in 'Worldly Goods', a new collection by Alice Petersen. The stories reveal that ownership is more than possession, for Petersen shows how small objects stand as markers of our attempts to communicate with each other.

  • Auteur:
    Dubois, Jocelyne

    After the rupture of her most recent relationship, Chloé begins a new life by taking a job as an advertising rep for an upscale fashion magazine in Montréal. Her reconnection with her French Canadian soul is initially exhilarating, but soon turns out to be disastrous. She loses her footing and enters her own world of glass: a fragile, hypersensitive realm that eventually shatters. World of Glass is a disquieting insight on the internal struggles and stigmas of mental health experienced through the eyes of one woman caught in a vicious, downward spiral.

  • Auteur:
    Arato, Rona

    Josiah Hensons life is an epic tale of one mans battle against evil and ignorance. By the time he was six, Josiah had been sold three times. When he was nine, his familys owner beat him for trying to learn to read. In spite of his physical pain and emotional heartache, he never lost the sense of morality that was his bedrock. After his escape, Josiah became an advocate for those still in bondage. As a conductor on the Underground Railroad, he led 118 slaves to safety in Canada. Working for Freedom is the story of a man who proved that one person can make a difference in defending and promoting human rights.

  • Auteur:
    Pearl, Sydelle

    In 1941, twelve-year-old Rivke Rosenfeld lives in the Warsaw Ghetto, where she witnesses German soldiers slashing her grandfather's beard from his face. Her anger compels her to secretly write her stories and her memories in the margins of a book of fairytales by Hans Christian Andersen. When Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum, historian and founder of the Underground Archive--a written compilation of Jewish life experiences in the Ghetto--hears Rivke tell one of her stories, he is so impressed that he asks her to contribute her diary to this Archive, and Rivke agrees, imagining her words rising up from the ground on wings.

  • Auteur:
    Wayman, Tom

    It’s late 1969 and Communist China has successfully launched its first satellite. Inspired by this feat, a group of college students in Laguna Beach, California, set out to put their own satellite into orbit in homage to the recent Woodstock Festival.A young Canadian graduate student at the University of California finds himself at the centre of the mayhem when he and his friends break into a mothballed missile silo and commandeer everything they need, including a nuclear warhead, to blast the Woodstock Nation into the space age. The activists have big plans for their loot, schemes that may well culminate in the Light Show to End All Light Shows in the Nevada desert.An extraordinary black comedy shot full of the social and political issues of the time, Woodstock Rising is a coming-of-age tale couched in free love, rock anthems, and revolution as well as a chronicle of an era whose causes continue to speak to us.

  • Auteur:
    Glover, Douglas

    The beguiling "Woman Gored by Bison Lives" is from Douglas Glover's 1991 Governor General Award-nominated story collection, A Guide to Animal Behaviour. Published on the occasion of Goose Lane Editions's 60th anniversary, it is also part of the six@sixty collection.

  • Auteur:
    Strange, Marc

    Stolen gems. Shady cops. Murders that could lead to an international incident. Orwell Brennan, chief of the Dockerty police force in small-town Ontario, had enough problems on his hands with the mayoral election, a daughter engaged, and, perhaps worst of all, someone in the department stealing his favourite cookies. Things are complicated for the loveable curmudgeon: a police officer from Toronto, in Dockerty as part of a Metro murder investigation, is killed in his hotel room. And the eccentric local dance teacher, a former Russian ballet star, has some very dark secrets, unsavoury associates in her past, and a slippery way with the truth. But Brennan finds help in one of his bright young officers, who teams up with the dead cop's brash ex-partner. Together the two women uncover a ring of shady pawnbrokers, crooked public figures, and Russian thugs all after one thing ' the Sacred Ember, a very rare ruby once owned by the Tsarina herself.


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