A celebration of the Innu land in the tradition of Joséphine Bacon. This telluric power is reminiscent of Paul Chamberland's Terre Québec. Natasha Kanapés challenge is to name her land, but also to reconcile opposites. In this...
Canadian poetry
- Author:Kanapé Fontaine, NatashaSummary:
- Author:Kenyon, MichaelSummary:
An award-winning writer conjures the Muse and the “noble gases” in this elemental and incandescent new collection.
Astatine is an Italian girl, who like Dante’s Beatrice, haunts the narrator of Michael Kenyon’s incandescent...
- Author:Mestokosho, RitaSummary:
Atiku utei, « le coeur du caribou », c'est la force d'un peuple et sa grande humilité. Les Innus ont marché à travers les tempêtes de la vie. Ils ont traversé des montagnes pour se nourrir de l'esprit du caribou. Ils puisaient en...
- Author:Carbonneau, LucieSummary:
Ce recueil de poésie est un regard le mien sur tout ce qui compose la vie. Des sujets, verbes et compléments qui sans Avoir et Être que le néant. Venant d'un passé et du présent. Les mots ont ce pouvoir...
- Author:Roberts, CleaSummary:
Poems like single larches, each in an immense white plain—spare
and clean, their exactness startling and arrestingWhether speaking of erotic love, domestic life, spiritual wilderness, or family entanglements, the poems of...
- Author:Porco, AlessandroSummary:
Augustine in Carthage, and Other Poems is the daring new collection of poetry from Alessandro Porco.
Equally crude and charming, locker-room macho and sensitive, these poems are always singularly marked by formal...
- Author:Kerr, DonSummary:
Shortlisted for the 1998 Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry
Don Kerr's fifth poetry collection is a verbal joyride, an exuberant celebration of a book: a celebration of mountains and plains, of growing up and of being young, of...
- Author:Halfe, LouiseSummary:
There are no pronouns in Cree for gender; awâsis (which means illuminated child) reveals herself through shapeshifting, adopting different genders, exploring the English language with merriment, and sharing his journey of mishaps with...
- Author:Halfe, Louise Bernice (Sky Dancer)Summary:
A gender-fluid trickster character leaps from Cree stories to inhabit this racous and rebellious new work by award-winning poet Louise Bernice Halfe.There are no pronouns in Cree for gender; awâsis (which means illuminated child)...
- Author:Day, BrianSummary:
This new take on Hindu mythology includes poems inspired by South Asian stories and covers the dealings of Vishnu, human avatars Rama and Krishna, and the relationship between Rama and his wife Sita.
- Author:Nayet, BertrandSummary:
" Les carnets de mythologies appliquées " sont trois recueils de poésie écrits et illustrés par Bertrand Nayet qui présentent une grande richesse de tons, de thèmes et de références. Ce sont des mythologies historiques...
- Author:Bonetto, EstelleSummary:
À fleur d'âge est une fresque fluide et fragmentée façonnée au gré des vécus, des voyages et des visages. On entre dans l'univers tiraillé des marchés et des boulangeries, on se promène sur la Croisette champêtre...
- Author:Gilles LatourSummary:
Ma colombe me roucoule sa mélancolie, que je lui remette la délicieuse souffrance d'un coup de tournevis ; et toujours à la même adresse, où l'on forge des épées. Gilles Latour, titulaire d'une maîtrise en langue...
- Author:Lam, Amy Ching-YanSummary:
Direct and humorous, Baby Book stacks story upon story to explore how beliefs are first formed. From a family vacation on a discount bus tour to a cosmogony based on cheese, these poems accumulate around principles of contingency and...
- Author:Meisner, NatalieSummary:
You know that voice in your head that cuts through it? Does the ill-advised thing in the name of hard won fun? The friend who finishes the bottle with you that needs finishing, stays till closing, holds your hair out of the way if...
- Author:Violett PiSummary:
Impulsif, irrévérencieux et trash, Baloney suicide est la chronique poétique d'une âme en peine. Colligés dans un petit carnet de création, les textes de VioleTT Pi n'épargnent rien ni personne, à commencer par lui-...
- Author:Moore, RobertSummary:
Taking its inspiration from the Melville’s famous line “If man will strike, strike through the mask!”, Based on Actual Events punches through the surface of visible things, grabbing wild at the drifting actual. Calling himself a “a...
- Author:Halfe, LouiseSummary:
In this new edition of her powerful debut, Plains Cree writer and National Poet Laureate Louise B. Halfe - Sky Dancer reckons with personal history within cultural genocide. Employing Indigenous spirituality, black comedy, and the...
- Author:Batchelor, RhondaSummary:
The poems in Bearings are arranged in the stressful rhythm of alternation between the intense states of being in love and/or with someone or being alone. Loss refines the vision. For Rhonda Batchelor's poetry that means a gain...
- Author:LoveGrove, JenniferSummary:
Beautiful Children with Pet Foxes, the new collection of poetry from Giller Prize–longlisted writer Jennifer LoveGrove, attempts to make sense of a difficult and unsettling world, where one need not look much further than their own...