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Body, mind and spirit

  • Author:
    Scoles, Sarah, De Pree, Christopher Gordon

    This book helps us reconnect to the solar system once more, guiding us through the fundamental ways in which our planet moves through the solar system and how these motions determine our perception of time and place. Offering a concise yet in-depth look at the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, it teaches us to observe and understand the elements comprising the celestial sphere--deepening our lives and helping us become more informed, engaged, and mindful every day.

  • Author:
    Sarazin-Côté, Josée-Anne

    L'astrologie est bien plus que l'étude de la relation entre l'humain et les astres. C'est une pratique puissante et apaisante qui peut changer la vie des gens, comme l'a vécu Josée-Anne Sarazin-Côté il y a quelques années. Reconnaissante et forte de cette transformation, elle a choisi de partager les subtilités du zodiaque à travers les quatre éléments, qui permettent de plonger dans cet univers en douceur. L'auteure vous accompagnera dans la découverte des différents types d'astrologie, dans l'identification de votre carte du ciel et dans l'analyse des éléments qui la composent. Elle vous guidera afin de déterminer leur importance, leurs vibrations et leurs amplitudes ainsi que les médecines recommandées pour les équilibrer. Avec simplicité et bienveillance, trouvez la voie pour vous accepter tel que vous êtes, avec vos forces et vos contradictions.

  • Author:
    Marie Christine Dean


  • Author:
    WhispersRed, Emma

    Penguin Audio presents this unique audio experience by ASMRtist Emma WhispersRed. ASMR For Your Lunch Break is a must for anyone looking to tune out the noise and refocus their energy. Whether you've had a stressful morning, a frantic meeting or a difficult conversation, this track is your calm place to return to, to quiet anxieties and feel refreshed. ASMR For Your Lunch Break is a must have for ASMR fans, beginners and those searching for deep, joyful and meditative ways to relax.

  • Author:
    WhispersRed, Emma

    Penguin Audio presents this unique audio experience by ASMRtist Emma WhispersRed. ASMR For Your Commute is a must for anyone looking to tune out the noise and tune into themselves in the hectic morning time. Using bespoke sounds and meditative techniques Emma will guide you from the front door to your office in total peace and calm. ASMR For Your Commute is a must have for ASMR fans, beginners and those searching for deep, joyful and meditative ways to relax.

  • Author:
    WhispersRed, Emma

    Penguin Audio presents this unique audio experience by ASMRtist Emma WhispersRed. ASMR For Bedtime is a must for anyone looking to tune out the noise of the day and find comfort and relaxation before bed. Using bespoke sounds and meditative techniques Emma will guide you through your bedtime cleansing ritual, right through to tucking you in. ASMR For Bedtime is a must have for ASMR fans, beginners and those searching for deep, joyful and meditative ways to relax.

  • Author:
    Abraham (Spirit) ; Hicks, Esther, - ; Hicks, Jerry

    This book, which presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham, will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you're living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. You'll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern your time-space-reality and you'll discover powerful processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life.

  • Author:
    Elder, Hinemoa

    Through 52 whatatauki - traditional Māori life lessons - Māori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder shares the power of Aroha and explores how it could help us all every day...The 52 life lessons are arranged into 4 chapters that introduce the different, important facets of Aroha: Manaakitanga (kindness); Kaitiakitanga (love for our world); Whanaungatanga (empathy); and Tino rangatiratanga (what is right).

  • Author:
    Geisel, EllynAnne

    With features on CBS's Sunday Morning and NPR's All Things Considered, EllynAnne Geisel raises the apron to cult status. This little book asserts, "You can never have too many aprons or too many memories." Apron anecdotes and aphorisms merge with quotes, photographs, and memories to offer down-home-spun, no-nonsense wisdom that is tinged with humor. For ultimate giftability, the book's case wrap mimics fabric.

  • Author:
    Virtue, Doreen

    Les gens abusent-ils de votre gentillesse? Avez-vous de la difficulté à exprimer honnêtement vos sentiments? Si c’est le cas, vous êtes peut-être un ange terrestre. Dans ce livre avant-gardiste, Doreen Virtue enseigne aux anges terrestres — des personnes extrêmement gentilles qui se soucient davantage du bonheur des autres que du leur — à conserver leur paix intérieure et leur nature aimante tout en établissant des limites. Vous allez découvrir comment surmonter votre peur de dire non et comment demander aux autres et à l’univers ce que vous désirez. Anges terrestres, affirmez-vous ! s’adresse à tous ceux qui veulent apprendre l’art d’exprimer haut et fort ce qu’ils pensent dans leurs relations et par rapport aux différentes causes dans le monde qu’ils défendent. Que vous ayez besoin de vous affirmer davantage dans votre famille, au travail ou dans votre travail de guérisseur, vous allez apprécier l’approche douce mais ferme de Doreen pour négocier vos besoins terrestres d’une manière céleste!

  • Author:
    Stewart, Laverne

    The inspiration for this book began on June 12, 2009. Author Laverne Stewart was at a women’s retreat. At 5 a.m. she was alone in her room thinking about her frustration over various works of fiction which she hadn't been able to complete. She suddenly heard a voice say, “You have not been called to write fiction. You have been called to write the truth.” She knew that there was no one else with her. It was then she realized she was supposed to write a book about angels and the afterlife. As a journalist, with over 24 years of experience, she decided to do some research. Did she really hear what she thought she'd heard? She contacted two intuitive mediums who told her they had seen this book being written six months before she'd contacted them. Stewart didn't know anything about angels or the afterlife. The mediums told her not to worry about it because the angels had everything under control. They did. In the nine months that followed she was overwhelmed by the number of people who came to her to share their stories."I have met and interviewed dozens of people who have shared their angelic encounters as well as their experiences with the spirits of the deceased. I have interviewed spiritual mediums and people, like me, who don’t claim to have any intuitive abilities but who have had encounters with the other side and with angels. I have spoken to people who received healing and encouragement from angelic encounters, those who say the spirits of their deceased children come to them as well as the adult children of elderly parents who said they heard, saw and felt angels in the minutes before their parents crossed over to the other side."

  • Author:
    Kielley, Kim

    Angels and Miracles is about real people who have had the rare opportunity to have an angel visit them or experience a miracle in their lives. Their stories are true and from the heart. While some people practised a specific religion, there are others who didn’t. The events that occurred in this book knew no boundaries. Angels and Miracles is a melting pot of beliefs that have experienced truly amazing and wondrous occurrences. These stories will warm your heart as you read them and reinforce that, even in our darkest hour, God has not abandoned us.

  • Author:
    Hind, Andrew, Da Silva, Maria

    Three titles in Andrew Hind and Maria Da Silva’s acclaimed series on the local history, maritime colour, and even the shadowy side of Ontario’s most picturesque communities. From ghost towns to actual ghosts, the unexpected abounds in this collection of the most surprising corners of Ontario — a must for cottagers and local-history lovers, brought to you by two of the best! Includes: RMS Segwun Ghost Towns of Muskoka Ghosts of Niagara-on-the-Lake

  • Author:
    Myss, Caroline

    Encoded within your body, teaches Caroline Myss, is an energy system linking you directly to the world's great spiritual traditions. Through it, you have direct access to the divine energy that seamlessly connects all life. On Anatomy of the Spirit, Myss offers a stunning picture of the human body's hidden energetic structures, while revealing its precise spiritual code and relationship to the sacred energy of creation. Our most revered wisdom traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism, hold in common essential teachings about seven specific levels of spiritual development, the stages of power in life. These seven great truths also grace the human body as an energetic system, a spiritual compass pointing the way to the divine. By honoring this inborn code, you can learn to see the symbolic blocks within your energy centers and their correlations with your health, relationships, and spiritual development. Richly interwoven with research, examples, and self-diagnostic guidelines, Anatomy of the Spirit will take you to the heart of the spiritual life and beyond.

  • Author:
    Husson, Mark S.

    Chaque semaine des milliers d’auditeurs écoutent l’émission Power Peek Hour de Mark Husson sur les ondes de Hay House Radio. Ils savent qu’ils obtiendront des éléments les concernant ainsi que leurs relations que seule l’astrologie peut leur apporter et ils sont confiants que seul Mark peut les leur transmettre. Maintenant il vous guide à travers cette aventure de l’amour grâce aux signes du zodiaque. Dans ce livre, Mark prend les signes astrologiques par deux et fait briller une compréhension sur la relation qu’ils ont ensemble. Il donne à chacune des relations un score d’amouroscope afin de prédire son succès potentiel dès le départ. Vous pouvez vous servir de ce score pour apprendre comment améliorer les choses, quelle quantité d’effort vous devrez investir et comment prendre une bonne relation et la transformer en relation merveilleuse. Vous désirez savoir ce qui vous attire chez votre partenaire? Ou comment faire ressortir le meilleur chez cette personne? Mark vous l’explique avec sagesse, humour et simplicité, tout ceci grâce à sa perspective d’astrologue et de psychothérapeute. Amouroscopes souligne les caractéristiques spécifiques de chacun des signes seuls ainsi qu’en relation, se référant à des archétypes mythologiques éloquents pour illustrer ses principes. Laissez Amouroscopes améliorer les relations que vous avez… et vous aider à plonger dans celle que vous voulez!

  • Author:
    Lamott, Anne

    From Anne Lamott, the New York Times-bestselling author of Help, Thanks, Wow, comes the book we need from her now: How to bring hope back into our lives. A perfect gift to give this holiday season."I am stockpiling antibiotics for the Apocalypse, even as I await the blossoming of paperwhites on the windowsill in the kitchen," Anne Lamott admits at the beginning of Almost Everything. Despair and uncertainty surround us: in the news, in our families, and in ourselves. But even when life is at its bleakest--when we are, as she puts it, "doomed, stunned, exhausted, and over-caffeinated"--The seeds of rejuvenation are at hand. "All truth is paradox," Lamott writes, "and this turns out to be a reason for hope. If you arrive at a place in life that is miserable, it will change." That is the time when we must pledge not to give up but "to do what Wendell Berry wrote: 'Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.'" In this profound and funny book, Lamott calls for each of us to rediscover the nuggets of hope and wisdom that are buried within us that can make life sweeter than we ever imagined. Divided into short chapters that explore life's essential truths, Almost Everything pinpoints these moments of insight as it shines an encouraging light forward. Candid and caring, insightful and sometimes hilarious, Almost Everything is the book we need and that only Anne Lamott can write.

  • Author:
    Challut, Isabelle

    A la fin de l'été 2014, Isabelle Challut vit une expérience très émouvante, voire déstabilisante. Elle accompagne sa mère de 79 ans, Germaine, tout au long de son hospitalisation aux soins intensifs puis dans ce qui s'annonce être son dernier passage. Entourée de son père, de ses enfants et de sa grande amie, Isabelle consent, non sans un déchirement douloureux, à ne plus maintenir sa mère sous respirateur artificiel et à la laisser partir. C'est alors que Germaine vit une expérience de mort imminente. Contre toute attente, elle en reviendra, non seulement radieuse et pétillante de vie mais aussi complètement guérie. Pour Isabelle et ses proches, l'expérience est bouleversante. De nombreuses questions surgissent : à quoi sert une telle expérience ? Que fait-on après? Pourquoi ma mère y a-t-elle eu accès? Qu'a-t-elle vu, entendu ? Comment intégrer ce vécu au quotidien? Quelle est la différence entre la réalité et l'illusion ? Durant les jours et les semaines qui suivent, Isabelle questionne sa mère. Sereine, cette dernière lui parle avec intensité de son expérience, des êtres divins qu'elle a rencontrés, des êtres aimés qu'elle a retrouvés, de l'amour, de la vie beaucoup plus vaste que ce que nous voyons et du potentiel immense de l'être humain. L'expérience concrète et le discours bien au-delà des concepts et des idéologies de sa mère bousculent les convictions d'Isabelle qui, dorénavant, ne voit plus la vie avec les mêmes yeux qu'auparavant. Ce livre témoigne de cette expérience mystérieuse et transformatrice pour que chacun puisse s'en inspirer.

  • Author:
    Rutkowski, Chris A.

    Astronomer and ufologist Chris A. Rutkowski has spent the past forty years investigating reports of UFOs and other strange phenomena. This collection of his writings about people's experiences with UFOs, alien abductions, and other unexplained events is perfect for enthusiastic fans everywhere, and includes startling evidence to make even the biggest skeptics believe. Includes: Abductions and Aliens: What's Really Going On Based on almost 25 years of investigation and research, science writer Chris Rutkowski looks critically at abduction stories. The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed A popular history of the UFO phenomenon in Canada, which has captured the imaginations of young and old alike. A World of UFOs UFOs and UFO encounters are truly global phenomena. What are some of the most interesting cases? Which ones seem most mysterious? And what can one of the worlds most active UFO researchers and investigators tell us about UFOs, from A to Z? Join Chris A. Rutkowski as he takes us on a tour of A World of UFOs. I Saw It Too! I Saw It Too! is the first collection of stories told by kids to document their UFO sightings. These accounts are real cases of UFOs they’ve seen or alien creatures they’ve encountered that were reported to government or military officials, UFO investigators, and journalists. The Big Book of UFOs The Big Book of UFOs is a compendium of his best and most disturbing UFO stories for enthusiastic fans everywhere, with startling evidence to make even the biggest skeptics believe. The renowned ufologist takes us on a tour of UFOs in Canada and around the world. He has studied UFOs, aliens, abductions, and even encounters reported by kids.

  • Author:
    PETITPAS, Louise

    Louise Petitpas expose, dans un langage accessible à tous, une analyse en profondeur sur les peurs, fondée sur des faits vécus, des réflexions personnelles et des recherches en santé mentale. Le lecteur y trouvera une démarche d'exploration des différentes peurs, de leurs origines, de leurs conséquences sur nos vies, de même que des outils pour en restreindre les effets nocifs. L'auteure nous propose un guide vers la reconquête de nos pouvoirs.

  • Author:
    Kowalski, Gary

    La mort d'un animal de compagnie est une expérience souvent déchirante. Dans Adieu, mon ami, Gary Kowalski propose des moyens d'en guérir en offrant des conseils chaleureux et judicieux pour traverser cette épreuve. Il y relate des anecdotes touchantes et propose des solutions pratiques comme de prendre soin de vous durant la période de deuil, créer des rituels qui honorent le souvenir de votre animal et parler de la mort aux enfants. Voilà un ouvrage merveilleux et réconfortant pour tous ceux qui connaissent la douleur de perdre leur petit compagnon.


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