- Resource Links:Author: Moshenko, Kim; Mazur, IzabelaContributor: BCcampus; BC Open Textbook Project; OpenStax College; Marecek, Lynn; Anthony-Smith, MaryAnneDate:Created2021Summary:
The content of this textbook is aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for the Advanced Level Business/Technical Mathematics. The textbook covers nine groups of learning outcomes organized in chapters. The first three chapters cover the core learning outcomes: 1. Operations with Real Numbers, 2. First Degree Equations and Inequalities, 3. Equations and their Graphs. The remaining chapters cover the following six topics: 4. Systems of Equations, 5. Trigonometry, 6. Health Option, 7. Finance, 8. Data Analysis 1, 9. Data Analysis 2.
Sujets: Business mathematics | TextbooksOriginal Publisher: Victoria, B.C., BCcampus, BC Open Textbook ProjectLanguage(s): EnglishISBN: 9781774201268, 1774201267Collection(s)/Series: BC Open Textbooks