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Publisher:Dundurn Press, 2017Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
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Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library ServiceTemps de fonctionnement: 07:22 hrsVoix de: Jo AyersPublisher:Centre for Equitable Library Access, 2024
- Author: Villamere, J.C.Date:Created2017Summary:
This quirky ode to a quirky land is a humorous nostalgia trip and a fun Canadian history lesson couched in a hipster quiz book. If you’ve ever wondered Why is the inuksuk more revered than Wheelchair Jimmy? Does the iconic beaver really represent us better than The Littlest Hobo? Is everyone going canoeing without me or is canoeing way less of a thing than it’s made out to be? then this book is for you. Is Canada even real? It’s a question that’s being asked more and more, thanks to our waterproof, see-through, supposedly maple-scented currency and our improbably hot prime minister’s assertion that Santa lives here. In the age of Google Maps and #factcheck, how could the existence of Canada be questioned? And yet how could a nation that’s the home of toboggans, Drake, and KD exist in the same realm as, say, Belgium or Niger? Is Canada Even Real? examines the cultural factors behind the twenty-first-century monolithic myth of Canada, a nation that is lovable and real — if only in your imagination.
Genre:Original Publisher: Toronto, DundurnLanguage(s): English