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Entrepreneurial Edge 2-Book Bundle Everyday Entrepreneur / Family Entrepreneur

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  • Publisher:
    Dundurn Press, 2014
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Dawkins, Fred

    This special 2-book bundle contains invaluable business advice for the budding entrepreneur from one of the best. In Everyday Entrepreneur, you will meet three individuals who all have entrepreneurial aspirations. The first is Tim, whose career is stagnating, despite having a good job. Tim has developed some software that could form the basis of his own business, but he can’t make the decision whether or not to set up on his own. Terry, a childhood friend, steers Tim into a class on entrepreneurship conducted by a mysterious person named Sam. The class includes two others: Grace, in her mid-thirties, and Mike, who is twenty-something. Sam invites his three students to learn to become entrepreneurs over a period of twelve days. By focusing on the qualities of a successful entrepreneur and by relying on a wide range of anecdotes, he cleverly leads all three to make important decisions about their future. In Family Entrepreneur, frustrated individuals, immersed in family businesses, enroll in a two-week course on entrepreneurship that will change their lives. For ten years Mary has been an office manager at her brother’s business and seen her younger brother join the company and receive share while she gets none. Plagued by doubts about her ability to change the culture in the family business or succeed outside it, Mary hears about a seminar series on family entrepreneurship and signs up. A crusty mentor named Sam conducts the seminars in a class that includes three others: a son considering taking over a family business, the owner of a successful company involving her two daughters, and a man with a stormy working relationship with his sister. Includes Everyday Entrepreneur Family Entrepreneur

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Dundurn
    Language(s): English