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Publisher:North Winds Press, 2019 -
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Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library ServicePublisher:BC Libraries Cooperative, 2020 -
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Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library ServicePublisher:BC Libraries Cooperative, 2020
- Author: Tenasco, SunshineContributor: Chief Lady BirdDate:Created2019Summary:
Nibi is an Indigenous girl on the search for clean water to drink. Though she is faced with repeated obstacles, Nibi's joyful and determined energy become a catalyst for change and action as her community, and in widening circles, the country and government rally around her to make clean drinking water available for all. There is a strong underlying message that even when a problem seems too large to face, every bit that everyone does helps. And inaction is not an option.
Sujets: Water quality management | Indigenous peoples--North America | Canada | Social action | Drinking water | Indigenous peoples | Water-supply | Drinking water--ContaminationOriginal Publisher: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North Wind Press, an imprint of Scholastic Canada Ltd.Language(s): EnglishISBN: 1443107891, 9781443107891Collection(s)/Series: First Nation Communities Read 2020