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White girls in moccasins

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    Something is missing from Miskozi's life... so she goes on a search for herself and her culture, accompanied by her inner white girl, Waabishkizi, and guided by Ziibi, a manifestation of an ancestral river. Miskozi begins the journey back before she was even born, right at the seeds of colonization when her ancestors were forced to hide their culture anywhere they could. Burying their language. Their teachings. Their bundles. Their moccasins. White Girls in Moccasins is a hilarious and poignant reclamation story that world-hops between dreams, memories, and a surreal game show. Along the way, Miskozi is forced to grapple with her own truth, while existing in a society steeped in white supremacy.

    Original Publisher: Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Scirocco Drama, an imprint of J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing Inc.
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781990738241, 1990738249
    Collection(s)/Series: First Nation Communities Read 2024